Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Review: The New Mutants

The New Mutants 2/10

This movie was dumb. Now, I had heard about this years ago and complained about them holding it back from release forever until releasing it while the world is dealing with a pandemic. I had heard reviews about The New Mutants and none made it sound good. Fans of the comics said it was confusing. I can attest to that fact. This movie was baffling on so many levels. It starts with Dani being woken by her father because something is attacking her reservation. She gets chased, knocked out, and wakes up tied to a bed at a hospital that is obviously not really a hospital. Dr. Reyes (who as far I know from the comics was a good lady) tells her everyone is dead and that she has powers and needs to learn how to control them. What are her powers? Not quite sure.

I am so not gonna spend a lot of time talking about this movie because that first paragraph was more effort than the filmmaker gave. Dani goes to the hospital and there is a werewolf girl who has no character other than she is lesbian (turns out Dani is too or bisexual), a dude who can fly and killed a bunch of folks in a mine when his powers started, a rich asshole who set his girlfriend on fire (I believe he is actually gay in the comics), and a Russian girl who somehow knows every single racist thing you can say to someone who is Indigenous. Like, even the ones old racists said. Evil bear creature that Dani is making causes nightmares and hurts folks, they fight it, evil doctor dies, Dani puts bear to sleep. The end. This movie didn't need to be made and it sucks they wasted time, money, and these characters on this.

Blu Hunt as Danielle "Dani" Moonstar

Maisie Williams as Rahne Sinclair

Anya Taylor-Joy as Illyana Rasputin

Charlie Heaton as Samuel "Sam" Guthrie

Henry Zaga as Roberto "Bobby" da Costa

Alice Braga as Dr. Cecilia Reyes

Adam Beach as William Lonestar

Click here for previous The Review.

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