Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Review: Without Remorse

Without Remorse 1/10

This movie was terrible. L. and I watched this movie called Without Remorse. It is based off of a book I didn't read which is likely for the better since I cant stop comparing the two when it happens. This movie seemed like something that would've come out in the 80's with either a massive star or as a B-movie. This is a big budget looking movie with a wafer thin plot. A dude does a mission. The mission is shady. Some of his team members get killed. His wife and unborn child get killed. He goes for revenge in the sloppiest ways possible only to get rescued by what could be called acts of god. He was used to hopefully start another Cold War or some shit. It was dumb. At the end of this nonsense they threaten to turn this into a franchise. Please don't. It is a waste of a lot of talented actors and actresses. I'm sure it was fun to film and learn some cool shit. But as a viewer not once did I have fun with this.

Michael B. Jordan as John Kelly

Jamie Bell as Deputy Director Robert Ritter

Jodie Turner-Smith as Lieutenant Commander Karen Greer

Click here for previous The Review.

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