Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Review: Constantine City Of Demons

Constantine City Of Demons 6/10

This movie was fine. I was looking through HBO Max for all the animated DC movies I had not seen and started one and stopped it after two minutes because the art was so bad and found this one instead. I like Constantine as a character and animated films with him are pretty cool and easy to do. Wish his TV show hadn't started sucking. The story for this is that John Constantine is having crazy dreams and seeing this young girl whose soul he let get taken when he was a newbie. Also his inner demons escape. His friend Chas contacts him because his daughter is in a coma. John finds out that her soul is being held by this demon in Los Angeles so he has to go there, work for him, find out he is not who he says he is, and kinda ruin Chas' life to save his daughters. Its a very bittersweet story. I liked the voices, the animation, and the story for this. I'm still waiting for a live action version sequel.

Matt Ryan as John Constantine

Damian O'Hare as Chas Chandler

Laura Bailey as Asa the Healer/Nightmare Nurse, Trish Chandler

Emily O'Brien as Renee Chandler

Rachel Kimsey as The Queen of Angels Angela

Click here for previous The Review.

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