Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Review: Loki S1E2/3

Loki Episode 2 “The Variant”

This damn show continues to be good! Loki is trying to weasel his way into meeting with the Time Keepers. He is still shook after seeing his fate at the hand of Thanos and having his mother killed by trying to have Thor killed. Loki figures out that the variant version of him that they are hunting hides in apocalypses because since shit is gonna end regardless no one will notice what it does because things are ending. 

He ends up finding out that the Variant is hiding in Alabama in 2050 during a terrible ass storm. Loki finds the Variant able to enchant people and move and speak through them. Loki ends up having his ass kicked by someone until the Variant reveals herself as a Loki. She sets off a bunch of charges through different points in time and teleports away. Mobius spots Loki who also runs through the door. This episode was cool and they continue to make this crazy ass show that seems to make no sense make sense each time.

Loki Episode 3 “Lamentis”

Another great episode! Sylvie ends up in the headquarters of the TVA and quickly discovers her powers don't work. She grabs a TemPad and heads to a planet named Lamentis-1 with Loki. The planet is gonna blow up soon because of their moon but people are evacuating. Well, the rich ones are. Oh, and the TemPad is about to run out of juice. Loki tries to find out more about Sylvie but she is pretty tight lipped. The end up sneaking aboard and Loki gets a little bit of information from Sylvie and they compare their lives growing up in the realities. Loki ends up getting drunk and drawing far too much attention. 

They get into a brawl until Loki gets launched off the train. Sylvie goes after him only to find out his goofy ass broke the TemPad so now they are stuck on a doomed planet. Loki decides to hitch a ride on the rocket leaving and make sure it escapes this time. They make it there just in time to once again fight the guards and watch the shuttle blow up thus making sure they are very much stuck here. Again, another great episode with a beautiful look to it. Three episodes in and they haven't slipped. I'm curious to know more about the revelations from this episode like the fact that everyone at the TVA is a damn Variant!

Click here for previous The Review.

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