Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Review: A Shock To The System

A Shock To The System 8/10

While looking for another film L. and I found this one called A Shock To The System on HBO Max. Its about this guy named Graham who has been working hard and expects to be promoted. Hell everyone thinks he is going to get promoted. His wife is spending money he don't have. His friends take him out to lunch to celebrate. Then he doesn't get it but his punkass coworker does. While heading to the train on the way home he ends up shoving an aggressive homeless man onto the tracks and gets clean away with the shit. He feels empowered! Like, it was so easy to kill a man and get away. Graham realizing that the law ain't shit starts plotting. He thinks about how he got shocked fixing the lights in his house that his wife keeps blowing out with her stair stepper he teaches her how to repair it herself and sets it up so she gets electrocuted while he is out of town. The shit works and she dead. He is being investigated but there is just enough wiggle room for him not to be arrested. I don't wanna ruin much more of this movie because it was good and I straight up didn't know it even existed until a few days ago. Its just shy of an hour and a half and I could have easily watched another half hour of it. Oh, and Samuel L. Jackson is in this for a moment as a card dude in the street. Blink and you will miss him.

Michael Caine as Graham Marshall

Elizabeth McGovern as Stella Henderson

Peter Riegert as Bob Benham

Swoosie Kurtz as Leslie Marshall

Will Patton as Lt. Laker

John McMartin as George Brewster

Philip Moon as Henry Park

Barbara Baxley as Lillian

Haviland Morris as Tara Liston

Click here for previous The Review.

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