Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Review: Black Widow

Black Widow 3/10

Spoilers. So I watched Black Widow. I was excited about this movie...last year. Then they started playing the hokie pokie with it between coming out in theaters and then Disney+ back and forth. By the time it was released I honestly didn't care about it anymore. I was expecting an origin story for the character but this is definitely not it. You learn more about The Red Room in Age Of Ultron than you do in this. This takes place after Civil War with her on the run. She is found by her not sister and they break their not dad out of prison and find their not mother. Her mother appears to turn on them but not really. We find out about a mission where Natasha she killed this young girl but she survived the explosion of all explosions and is now the Taskmaster. What a waste of an amazing character! 

The first fifteen minutes of this was good and should have been all of it. After that it is just a movie. Things are exploding, people are surviving things they shouldn't since they aren't super powered, accents are weird, and then it is over with a post credit scene that made me roll my eyes. This is not a cool Marvel spy movie like it could have been. Its not an origin story. Its a one shot comic issue. Something you do in between story arcs but it does not work in live action film form. I really like Black Widow in every film she has been in except her own which sucks. This also had no flavor. Meaning it was filmed and everything but it felt like it had no style. I couldn't suggest this to anyone really. Don't think it is lost on me how every lady led superhero movie is set in the past. Both
Wonder Woman movies. Captain Marvel. Now this. I just watch knowing they are okay because this already happened.

Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova

David Harbour as Alexei Shostakov/Red Guardian

Rachel Weisz as Melina Vostokoff

Click here for previous The Review.

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