Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Review: The Tomorrow War

The Tomorrow War 5/10

Spoilers! I started watching The Tomorrow War over a week ago and while searching for something to watch I continued it. I had only seen the first twenty minutes not realizing I had almost two more hours to go. Yay? Not really. This should have been a TV series with a bunch of unknown actors and actresses because some of the cast I know from other things that are really good aren't really used for their skills. They are just bodies. The premise of this movie is big dumb and after watching Loki with all the time travel and rules and such involved I had to just turn off all forms of logic to finish this. This former Green Beret and now biology teacher named Dan Forester has a wife and daughter he loves but he is unhappy that he can't get a better job. He also has an asshole father.

One evening after being rejected for a new job the TV comes on during the World Cup and people come pouring out of a portal. They like “We from the future. We need soldiers to fight these aliens. 'Kay, thanks!” They start drafting people and I was like fuck every inch of that noise. Dan is trying to teach and kids are like “We gonna die. Fuck learning.” Except for one kid obsessed with volcanoes which actually ruined the ending for me. These aliens were too crude and wild to have arrived in the future on a spaceship so I knew they were already on Earth somehow. Dan ends up getting recruited which sucks because his wife does therapy for soldiers coming back and they are maimed and all kinds of fucked up mentally and about 20% of people even come back.

Dan is with other soldiers. There is tough woman. Scared big man. Scared smart man. Angry man. The usual. So they get like zero training. Everyone is over 40. The ones from the future are young as fuck. They get woken and immediately have to leave. They are supposed to land ten to five feet from the ground when something happens and they start raining from the fucking sky! People start splatting the ground and into buildings. Its a fucking mess. They go from having to spend a week killing aliens they have not even seen or been told about like “Hey. They are fast as fuck. They can climb things. They swarm. They rip people in half. Oh, and they shoot spikes. Unlimited spikes!” to having to rescue some researchers. They dead though so they find some science juice and have to escape. Most of them die.

Dan meets the woman in charge and its his daughter as an adult because plot. She tells him that seven years after present day he left the family, got drunk, and died. He can not believe he would do such a thing. I'm sitting here thinking that now that he knows he can change some shit. Everyone makes up their own rules for time travel so whatever. The movie becomes a hunt for the queen of the aliens and they do that thing where suddenly animals and aliens become vengeful. The queen breaks free and is searching for Dan's daughter. She gets hurt and falls into a pit of aliens just as he is teleported back to the past.

In present day Dan is shook seeing his family. He tells his wife what happened. He gathers a couple dudes and his father and some of the future people to go to this volcano that the kid who loves volcanoes told them about. They find the aliens and inject them with poison and get happy. Most of them die. Dan and his dad and the scared dude survive and Dan and his dad fight the queen and defeat her in a long ass fight. Dan reunites his father with his family and the government take credit for stopping the aliens. Yay for all. We are at peace. This movie could have been either an hour shorter or a six part mini series. Cramming all of this into a two and a half hour long movie was too much information and not enough at the same time. No emotions had time to breathe. The aliens weren't scary. They were like the crazy alien dogs that Thanos had. Just screech, click, and chase. This is on Amazon. You could walk out the room for a while and come back and not be lost.

Chris Pratt as James Daniel "Dan" Forester Jr.

Yvonne Strahovski as Colonel Muri Forester

Ryan Kiera Armstrong as young Muri Forester

J. K. Simmons as James Daniel Forester Sr.

Betty Gilpin as Emmy Forester

Sam Richardson as Charlie

Edwin Hodge as Dorian

Jasmine Mathews as Lt. Hart

Keith Powers as Major Greenwood

Click here for previous The Review.

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