Friday, July 16, 2021

10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched Loki

Loki Season One 10/10

This is gonna be full of spoilers. Sometimes I watch a show and episodes start to pile up and I end up not covering each one. Not because I don't want to but usually because there is so much that writing in pieces makes no sense to me. Loki is one of those shows. The last three episodes came and went so quickly that the next thing you know I was watching the finale and gasping at every damn thing that was happening. So far Disney+ has made WandaVision and Falcon And TheWinter Soldier work and I was nervous that this show had the chance to be a stinker. I was wrong. Black Widow was. I am gonna list 10 Reasons why you should have watched this or should start right now.

Loki Of Course

I remember when the first Thor movie came out and even Dark World and people were all about Loki. I was like “Cool, but this is a Thor movie and he sucks so whatever.” Loki eventually grew on me and as the movies went on I was satisfied with his changes so that when he was killed in Endgame I was shocked as hell. Seeing him come back for this series but be the still evil version but seeing all the terrible crap he had done had he not teleported to a new reality was great. He got a crash course in “change faster than you've ever needed to or die.” Of course he starts off acting like an asshole but over six episodes he learns that he is stronger than he thought and can actually make friends and trust other people. I thought this was gonna be a show about him going through different time periods and being a dick. In six episodes multiple great new characters were introduced, every movie going forward is going to be affected, and a new villain more terrifying than Thanos showed up. Not bad at all.


When I saw Owen Wilson in the trailer I laughed. I like the guy. His voice is soothing. His character seems so not impressed dealing with an Asgardian god and treats him like a spiteful teenager. Seeing him go from this corporate man that will do anything for the TVA to trying to burn it down was awesome. The way he called Loki out on his behavior and calling himself the “god of mischief” made me cringe. He showed Loki how his actions have caused harm and death to people. Loki later sees how he ends up dying and confides on Mobius. He is like a father, friend, and therapist rolled into one and fit into the MCU incredibly.


The Time Variance Authority (or TVA) are terrifying. You can be just living your life when suddenly this team of swat people show up, take you away, and erase your entire reality because you're a mistake and didn't know. When Loki first meets them he gets slapped into slow motion and taken through a door to a place where none of his powers work. Everything he has ever said is written down. He is shown his failures. He finds a drawer full of Infinity Stones while thinking they are the most powerful items in the universe and was willing to help Thanos destroy Earth to attain. They have sticks that if they poke you will zap your ass from existence that they call “pruning.” How fucked up is that? These people are either foot soldiers that never question orders when erasing folks from existence or desk workers that know nothing outside of the building they work in. It is later revealed that every person that works in this place are Variants themselves and have no idea...until later. I could have used more of B-15 and Casey and hope they come back next season.

Miss Minutes

Okay, at first I loved this character. I thought that she was a really cool way to explain a lot of complex information regarding who the TVA were and why they did what they did. Nothing like having a little clock lady explain why you have been arrested and taken to a new reality you didn't know existed to be judged for just being alive. When she starts to act shady it is extra creepy because I wasn't sure if she were alive or not. She dodges things thrown at her as if she is real but has the ability to vanish or leap into computers like a hologram. When she goes full rogue while still using her sweet voice she becomes extra tasty creepy. I need more of her.

The Loki Variants

So many Variants! When Loki meets Old Loki, Kid Loki, Boastful Loki, and a damn Alligator Loki I lost my shit. Then the episode ended. I was pissed! The Old Loki managed to make an illusion so good that it tricked Thanos into thinking he had killed him. He then lived on a planet all alone until he got lonely and the TVA found him. Kid Loki killed Thor (the fuck?!). Boastful Loki says he managed to get all the Infinity Stones. Not sure if that is true. Not sure why there is an Alligator Loki. I can't recall if its explained. But he is powerful because he ends up biting off President Loki's damn hand during a battle royal. I could watch an entire show that just has these Variants going around having adventures. Give me like three episodes.


Teased from the start as a Variant that was going around killing entire times of TVA agents in different timelines, Sylvie is likely the most terrifying Loki Variant. They show that when she was a child the TVA showed up, explained she violated a law she didn't know existed (living), and arrested her. She escapes and spends the rest of her life living in realities that were about to die thereby hiding from the TVA. Original Loki discovers this. Using her power of enchantment she is able to show one TVA agent that she had a life before the TVA and later shows B-15 the same fucking with her head. Sylvie don't trust Loki and he feels the same until when they are sure they are about to die they develop feelings for one another. Its weird. Like, they the same person. Is that weird? Yeah. It is. Right?

The Style Of The Set

I loved the way everything in this show looked. From the clothing, the rooms, and technology used. All of it had a futuristic yet vintage look to it that reminded me of the Legion series which far too many of you have not watched as if you are rebelling against incredible TV. Three seasons. Watch it. There are many videos theorizing why the devices they used looked like something from the 1960's – 1980's I don't actually want to know. I like the soft browns and oranges used. The form fitting suits. The business dress of the ladies. I also liked that everything looked natural meaning that it did not look like the characters were wearing costumes which is something that bugs me on TV shows and movies.

He Who Remains

Did not think that this guy was actually gonna be shown. Once I saw that the Time Keepers were just some damn robots and that someone else was really running things I knew who it would be because people love to spoil shit. I know the character he is and some information about him and that he will be in future MCU films but did not think he would show up. Well, he did and he was great. This man did not scream, throw a single punch, or make threats. He said who he was. How he became powerful. How he started the TVA. How everything that Loki has been through he not only knew would happen but paved the way for it to happen. He tried to make a deal with Loki and Sylvie to give them everything they want and have them run the TVA. Loki thinks this may work. Sylvie wants to kill him. Sylvie ends up sending Loki away and killing He Who Remains who smiles and says “See you soon.” All his other versions are on their way and he was allegedly the most logical and not evil one. This is gonna be some fun shit!

The Void

Okay. This is one of those episodes where I was too dazzled to even notice so many things happening in the background and right in my face. I miss frog Thor (Throg). I missed the Thanos copter. I didn't understand the significance of the battleship fighting the smoke dog. (this all sounds like a fever dream). I couldn't focus on all the different Variant Loki's. This place was a Easter Egg fiesta! And it looked gloomy as hell. It looked like the kind of place you would go to die. Just drab. Objects from other realities just falling from the sky. This is where people go after getting pruned. They thought you just vanished forever out of existence when it reality this big ass smoke dog would consume you. It was full of Loki's because they know how to survive.

Its Important

This series could have easily just been about the crazy adventures of Loki going through different realities through time and space. While it is some of those things it also had stories and repercussions that will ripple through the rest of the MCU. We are at a point with this universe where a story like this can happen and I am here for it. With WandaVision I am fine waiting for it to get involved with the movies. Didn't need a second season. Same with Falcon And The Winter Soldier. It ended great. With this series it can go anywhere and I mean that in every sense of the word. I am so glad that this series was nothing like I expected it to be and am excited about season two.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki

Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Ravonna Renslayer

Wunmi Mosaku as Hunter B-15

Eugene Cordero as Casey

Tara Strong as Miss Minutes

Owen Wilson as Mobius M. Mobius

Sophia Di Martino as Sylvie

Jack Veal as Kid Loki

DeObia Oparei as Boastful Loki

Richard E. Grant as Classic Loki

Jonathan Majors as He Who Remains

Click here for previous 10 Reasons.

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