Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Review: Fast Forward

Fast Forward ???/10

A fever dream wrapped in a musical. I watched this film called Fast Forward that my best friend has loved since I've known her and she would sing a song from it that I had never heard before. Over a month ago we finally sat down and watch this movie. It is about a group of singers and dancers known as The Adventurous Eight. There are six girls and two dudes. I think they are in high school but since it takes place in the 1980's they all look closer to 30 years old. They hear about an executive and want a dance contract but get there and the man has died. The new dude tells them to join a competition. Meanwhile they all move into this ratty ass apartment full of mold and sexual harassers at the entrance. They earn money by performing in the streets much to the chagrin of another dance troupe. One of the guys starts falling for a rich girl who already has a guy and his ass already has a girlfriend in the dance group. He trash. The other dude in the group gets mad that they are doing the same corny dances while other folk are pop locking an' shit. They rehearse and add more modern dances. This is one of them feel good movies from back in the day that come across as cheesy now but worth watching for some simple fun with catchy ass music.

John Scott Clough - Matt Sherman

Don Franklin - Michael Stafford

Tamara Mark - June Wolsky

Tracy Silver - Meryl Stanton

Cindy McGee - Francine Hackett

Gretchen Palmer - Valerie Thompson

Monique Cintron - Rita Diaz

Debra Varnado - Debbie Hughes

Noel Conlon - Mr. Stanton

Karen Kopins - Susan Granger

Click here for previous The Review.

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