Friday, October 29, 2021

The Review: Marvel's What If...?

What If...? 8/10

Weeks ago the new Marvel series What If...? ended and I enjoyed it for the most part. My biggest complaint was that some of the episodes needed and/or deserved more time to flesh things out. Other were just fun to watch and I got just enough. I didn't think that I would enjoy the art style that much but after about two episodes I was fine with it. I liked that a lot of the original actors and actresses returned to do voices but there were some that were so awkward that it reminded me why there is a separate category for voice over work. Not everyone can do it. I have listed my favorite episodes in order and will write a bit about what I did and didn't like about each of them.

"What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?"

This was a very fun episode. Did I want more? Yes. But I was happy with what I got. After being taken to space instead of Peter Quill, T'Challa becomes the new Star-Lord. He is loved by the galaxy and respected. He even convinced Thanos to become a Ravenger. The most entertaining and self contained episode.

"What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?"

This one could have easily been number one if they hadn't started connecting it in a later episode. I liked the darkness of this episode. Strange ends up in the same car accident but instead of mangling his hands Christine dies. He tries to reverse time to bring her back and settles on becoming more powerful and by powerful I mean evil as fuck.

"What If... Thor Were an Only Child?"

This was a fun episode. Since Loki was not around for Thor as a child instead of learning adversity he became a party dude while Loki stayed a frost giant. He heads to Earth and it turns out that planets he parties on end up blowing up.

"What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?"

This was one that could have been two episodes. It felt kinda rushed. Killmonger starts working with Stark after saving his life but is secretly using him (then killing him) to get tech so that he can join Wakanda and using them for his own goals.

"What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?"

This was the first episode and while it was good and fun it didn't have the weight that it could have. Another that felt rushed. Steve Rogers ends up getting hurt and Karen Carter gets the super soldier serum instead.

"What If... the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?"

This was a really good episode until the end. The make their way back to it during the last episode. Every character that is going to eventually become an Avenger gets killed by someone. The reveal was good but that ending...yeah. Too hooky for such a heavy episode.

"What If... Zombies?!"

This one could have been one of the best but the tone was all over the place. The humor of Peter Parker does not mesh well with the fact that Vision is feeding folks to zombie Wanda.

"What If... Ultron Won?"

Ultron takes out everybody. He kills Thanos in a moment and discovers that there are even more realities to destroy. The Watcher gets attacked by him and gets Doctor Strange to help him gather a team to defeat Ultron.

"What If... the Watcher Broke His Oath?"

The oath is broken and it is silly because he really proves that at any point he could have helped people out instead of just watching. Very rushed considering the amount of people on the team and unresolved issues.

Click here for previous The Review.

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