Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Review: My Brother's Wedding

My Brother's Wedding 0/10

I have other shows and movies I need to review but I gotta talk about My Brother's Wedding that L. and I watched the other day. This movie is trash. I almost gave this a 1/10 because I laughed at so many parts but they were parts not mean to be laughed at and after listening to L. read me a few reviews I started to get the feeling that this movie is supposed to be loved and considered good because the director got to edit the movie the way he wanted or because if you don't like it you don't appreciate small and independent films. Its not the fact that the acting is terrible. The characters are shitty. The filming of it when visible or audible is bad. No. The director got to show the movie the way he wanted so its great. The plot is listed as:

“A man who has struggled personally has conflicts with his upwardly mobile lawyer brother and well to-do fiancée and is reluctantly to be the best man at their wedding.”

His brothers wedding has almost nothing to do with this movie. This is about a dude named Pierce. He works at his mothers dry cleaner fighting off random attacks from his father. Its weird. His mom wants him to get his shit together. His friend Soldier is getting out of jail soon and the only people excited is Soldier's mother and Pierce. There is a little girl that is constantly flirting with Pierce. Soldier meets up at Pierce's job and starts fucking this woman that really does not want to. Pierce brings him aspirin and water. Pierce's mother comes back from church because she forgot her bible and catches Soldier fucking. The woman Soldier was assaulting runs away and Pierce laughingly catches her and she tries to escape. Pierce doesn't like his brothers 
fiancée. They make that clear in one scene earlier so with twenty minutes left we get to the wedding. Soldier was killed in a car accident. Pierce is upset that his brother wont change the wedding date that has been planned for over a year because his piece of trash ass friend got killed. Seriously.

Soldier was a puh-
rob-lum! It is not a tragedy that he is dead. There was a dude that lived near my Grandmama's house growing up. He was like a real life Soldier. He was so bad that other people got shot because they were near him. When he was finally killed I think the city let out a collective sigh. Why in the actual fuck would his Pierce's brother consider for even one moment changing his wedding for him? I wouldn't even change a dental appointment! So Pierce shows up to the wedding acting like an asshole and decides to leave it and head to the funeral. He gets to the funeral late and misses it and realizes that he has his brothers rings in his pocket still considering he is the best man. The end. I cracked up laughing. The best thing about this movie was L. and I spotting the streets and knowing where they were around Los Angeles. That's about it. I would never suggest this movie to anyone. I would never watch this again because it was only 80 minutes and felt like hours. Its on HBO Max if you feel like baffling yourself.

Everett Silas as Pierce Mundy

Monte Easter as Wendell Mundy

Jessie Holms as Mrs. Mundy

Dennis Kemper as Mr. Mundy

Ronnie Bell as Soldier Richardson

Click here for previous The Review.

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