Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Worst Movies Of The Year 2021

There were so many terrible moves released last year. More than usual actually. I had to cut this list of the
Worst Movies Of The Year down a bit. Its like it wasn't bad enough to make a bad movie, they had to make what was bad about them even worse. Like so bad that a few of them felt like personal attacks. Here is the list and if you enjoyed any of these films I envy you.

I Care A Lot 1/10

I watched this one with L. and we had to actually power through because we hated the main character so much. This entire movie and premise were so trash and fucked up. Even when it ended in a way that should've been satisfying it still didn't. The most insulting thing was that this movie starred actual actors.

Godzilla Vs. Kong 1/10

One of (not the only) most disappointing movies of the year. I wanted a good fight between two monsters and what I got was the potential. Multiple run in's NWO style, a couple of false finishes, and a very not satisfying ending. I'm officially done with any Godzilla related movie that isn't a man in a rubber suit and I wasn't a big King Kong fan to begin with. All that trouble to get a stupid magic ax and do nothing with it...

Without Remorse 1/10

Oh, my god. This movie was trying its best to be actively terrible and had the nerve to threaten me with a follow up movie. No thank you! The star needs to be careful with what movies he's in because they tend to be Oscar bait or straight up trash. I'm afraid he will go down the same route as another Black actor that made this list twice this year.

Army of The Dead 2/10

(shrugs) I don't know what you want from me. This wasn't even so bad it was fun. It was just a terrible ass movie that got way more hype than it deserved.

Tenet 1/10

The absolute most disappointing movie of 2021. When I first saw the trailer a couple years ago I was hype as hell. The world shut down and I was mad that I wouldn't be able to see this spectacle on the big screen now I'm glad I was able to save my money and checked this trash out at home. What made it look special in the trailer turns out to not be so cool after seeing it more than once and then being forced to see it all again from a different angle just made this drag on. I would never watch this again or suggest it to anyone.

Awake 1/10

One of the best comedies of the year that absolutely had no intention of being so. Folk cant sleep so they decide to go crazy immediately in every way possible. I wish I could have sat in a room while someone wrote this, sold it, and laughed their ass off that someone not only bought it but made a film this wack.

Black Widow 3/10

Ugh! I wish this was good. I wanted this to be an origin story but it turns out they showed more of that in a flashback in a previous MCU film. This was a massive adventure that is never mentioned in any other movie and shoehorns a new character in for folks to slobber over. The was actually nothing special about what should have been one of the most special MCU movies considering her history and death.

Gunpowder Milkshake 2/10

I couldn't even do my review like I normally do with this one. A great cast given a shit story to work with. I am surprised that they all agreed to be in this. Maybe they got paid a lot or it was fun. It definitely wasn't fun to watch. It tried to copy a lot of action directors styles and failed in every way.

Reminiscence 1/10

I won't spend another moment talking about a movie about nothing.

Beckett 0/10

I absolutely hated this movie. The story, the acting, the improbability of almost every single course of action that was taken. I wish there was a version of this with cartoon sound effects because that would have made this far more watchable. This movie was the hottest of trash.

Red Notice 1/10

You wanna see famous people go all around the world being themselves on film? Well, this is the movie for you! I didn't expect this to be good. I just wanted it to be fun and it was not that. It really was just watching the actors play the same role they do in other films but all together. It was like some kind of A-List Avengers type shit.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage 0/10

Fuck every inch of this movie. What makes it even worse is that it smells so bad that its stench has begun to waft over the the MCU universe and I do not want that to happen but its gonna happen and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm dreading it because it and its predecessor are so damned bad in every way that even if the film associated with it is incredible it will be dragged down to an all right movie.

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