Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Best Movies Of The Year 2021

2021 had some really good movies considering that I wasn't able to go to theaters. I went once and it was to see a 1940's film and that felt weird. But streaming channels stepped up and supplied me with a lot of entertainment. This list is very much all over the place but I'm happy that four of them would be considered Black films. Links for each full review below.

One Night In Miami 10/10

I didn't get to see any plays last year (The Octoroon doesn't count, sorry L.) and this movie that is based off of one felt like I was watching one. This was just an all around great movie that made me feel good and I had absolutely no complaints about it and wanted another few hours of conversation between these guys.

Sylvie's Love 9/10

Like I said in my review this was a cute ass movie. Just a love story with no crazy ass drama or racist shit happening which I assumed would happen due to the time period it was in. This was the most pleasant movie of the year and I mean that in the best way.

Judas And The Black Messiah 9/10

I am aware that I do not know a lot about Black history because I was a student of the LAUSD and my parents didn't talk about no civil rights stuff even though they were alive and such but didn't talk about it. I had no idea about this story, the fact that these were real people, nothing. I had to go on deep dives in Wikipedia after this and get mad at no one for ever talking to me about this even in passing.

In The Heights 9/10

A lot of my enjoyment was influenced by the group of dancing people that I watched it with. That definitely made this a fun movie watching experience. That and the barbecue that I had eaten. This was one of the most fun movies I'd seen in the year. Plus it was a musical so that made me happy.

No Sudden Move 8/10

This was a cool ass movie. It felt like a throwback to films I enjoyed that were made in the early 90's. Plus I really enjoy watching heist films when they're done well. I could not tell where this story was headed at any point and just when I thought I did things would change up on me.

The Suicide Squad 10/10

Watched this just because of the director because I could not stand the first film featuring some of these characters. This turned out to be one of the best superhero films I've ever seen and very funny. And violent. This movie was so violent. It made me a fan of characters that I had previously not given a damn about which the director managed to do with his previous MCU based movies. This was also the best DCEU movie that has been made. The fact that it was released on HBO Max made me so happy.

Nobody 9/10

This was one I wanted to see because it was exactly what I needed it to be. A simple, good story with a lot of action. I don't need a sequel or anything. This movie had me clapping like an idiot. Normal guy gets robbed, seeks revenge, turns out that he ain't even kind of a normal guy. Bloodshed ensues.

Vacation Friends 8/10

Had zero desire to watch this but L. wanted to check it out so we did on Hulu and I'll be damned if I didn't laugh like an idiot watching this. It was legitimately funny and not just chuckle at a couple of moments funny. And the story didn't go in the direction I expected based on how comedies are written these days. As much as I like to laugh it is so hard to find a comedy that is actually funny. This one was.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 9/10

This was so close to being perfect! I knew this would probably be a cool movie but did not expect to be as entertained as I was by it. I wish I felt safe enough to see this in theaters because this was for sure a damn theater going movie. The fights, the characters, the story, they were all so damned good. I have watched more behind the scenes about this movie than any of the latest MCU films because so much was done practically.

The Harder The Fall 10/10

This one got me into it from the very first scene. I knew that the rest of this movie was gonna be cool as fuck. It has been a while since I've seen a Western that got me so into it. One of the best things about a good Western is when every character seems like they could have their own film and this was the case. The music was incredible especially considering that I have a tendency to dislike when movies use modern songs in stories that take place in the past. This one did it perfectly and I would love for the director to make more films and see what he comes up with.

Click here for previous Best Movies Of The Year.


  1. You're my favority movie critic even though you have a terrible taste in movies. Keep on doing great work, Dante!

  2. Hahaha! Thanks. That seriously made me crack up. Thanks for reading.
