Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Review: The Book Of Boba Fett

The Book Of Boba Fett 9/10

This show was fucking awesome. Everyone should know by now that I did not grow up watching Star Wars. I knew some of the characters and was mostly interested in the character designs. I watched Episodes 1-6 in order. Watched the new films out of order. So when The Mandalorian was coming out I wasn't all that interested and ended up loving that show and making a bunch of art based off of it. So by the time Boba Fett's show was announced I was hype as hell. This series did not disappoint me. Thankfully I know random information from the animated shows and from YouTube and friends otherwise when certain cool things of characters showed up I would have been like “Is this important?” Though this is seven episodes long there are about two where Boba Fett is not shown or just barely. Did I care? Nope. It was still good.

This covers his escape and survival after being assumed dead years ago. We get to see his rehabilitation, training, and rise to power. He learns that he can't be alone anymore and starts to recruit an awesome team of people from all over the place. I got to see some cool ass villains. Some good fights. I would say the only thing I was like “Meh” over was the addition of the young folks in this. It just felt like they were gonna get their own show or something and I have no interest in seeing more of them. The finale of this was so damned good that I was excited for next weeks episode not realizing it was done. Seven episodes is a strange number to end on and I definitely could have watched more of this.

Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett

Ming-Na Wen as Fennec Shand

Pedro Pascal as The Mandalorian

Click here for previous The Review.

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