Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Documentality: Our Father/Baby God/Keep Sweet Pray And Obey

Our Father Oh?/10

Not quite sure how I ended up watching three damned documentaries about disgusting ass men but here I am. The first was Our Father on Netflix. It is about this fertility doctor that spent 30 years using his own sperm to impregnate women in a small town. He was bitten in the ass by all these new ancestry sites and DNA kits and when this woman started looking into him ended up finding out that she had over 100 siblings. This got progressively worse as the episode went on with more popping up and how his church stuck by him through it. That is one thing these documentaries will show you: church can be used as a dangerous weapon and a shield. There was no law that said he couldn't be a fucking creep so he ended up in court but got like a $500 fine.

Baby God Oh Lord/10

This was just like the first but this fucker started even earlier. For 30 years he would add his sperm to the donor sperm as a way to help them out. This dude had kids that were decades apart in age and I doubt we will ever know how many he had since some of his kids are likely too old to even think of taking some kind of DNA testing. The thing that sucks is a lot of his kids look like him and do not like it. Fuck this guy. Like, they always think nothing is wrong with what they're doing at all! You will get zero scenes where they go “Wow. I'm a for real ass monster.” These are not satisfying documentaries.

Keep Sweet Pray And Obey WTF?!/10

This one was the most fucked up. FLDS leader dies even though they thought he could not. His son takes over and shit somehow gets even worse. Marrying a bunch of little girls. Recording audio of shit that should not be recorded. Parents giving their kids to him and thinking it is fine. He gets put in super jail but still runs the church from inside. These fuckers have their own town! Like, they moved from Utah to Texas and just run this whole place. There are hundreds of people who are potentially ruined for life because they grew up listening to that psycho along with their parents rolling with it and still believing in it. Fuck this guy too. I can't watch anymore of these serious docs for a while.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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