Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Review: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 9/10

ALL KINDA SPOILERS!!! This movie felt like a great culmination of watching way too many MCU TV shows and movies and reading and listening to comic book videos on YouTube. L. and I never got to see this in theaters (my fault) but I was happy that this was coming out on Disney+ and that I managed to not have any of this spoiled which is amazing considering how many surprises were in this for me. This starts with a girl named America Chavez and Strange fighting against this crazy ass demon. They are trying to reach a book and he is telling her to use her power of teleporting through realities to help. She can't control them and he ends up trying to use her powers, meaning kill her, to finish the job. He ends up dying and she teleports their corpses away. Meanwhile Strange in out universe is at Christine's wedding and saying he is happy. He not happy. He miserable and cranky. One of his old coworkers asks if giving Thanos the stone was truly the right thing to do seeing as how he vanished for years and his brother and cats all died.

During the wedding this giant octopus demon is chasing America down the street so Strange and Wong save her. She explains who she is, what she does, and manages to not be annoying the way Kate Bishop and Kamala Khan are. I have a blog about her coming up soon. Strange ends up finding Wanda who is living alone and staying away from everyone to ask her for help. She seems down and lets slip that she knows of America and her powers and wants to use them to go to a reality where her kids exist and raise them. In every universe there is a double of yourself. America is the only person that does not have one and if two you's are in the same place the two realities collide and everyone dies. Wanda says give her the girl and everything will be perfect. Strange is like “Nah” so she raids the temple in a brutal ass battle. By the way, this is probably the most violent MCU film. The way some people die is super fucked.

I'm sitting here writing this and trying to figure out how to describe such an insane movie and it ain't happening so I will talk about more things I liked. They have the Black Captain Marvel in this! For those that do not know her history click here to check out a post I did about it. They have Captain Carter from What If...? and she looks awesome in reality. Fucking Mr. Fantastic shows up and looks great. Black Bolt gets redeemed from that miserable ass series they made a few years back. Professor X. shows up with the X-Men theme and the yellow hover chair! I was losing my mind during this. But...their deaths are incredibly fucked. I'm not sure who got killed it worse between Black Bolt and Mr. Fantastic.

I enjoyed so much about this. The ending battle was handled greatly. There are horror elements and creative camera work because Sam Rami directed this and he is awesome as hell and I'm glad that he did this. A lot of times when I complain about certain movies I say they don't have any “flavor” to them. Its as if the camera is just rolling and anyone could have done it. No one directs shots like Rami does. The music was noticeably different and good. The visual effects were incredible. The acting was good. I seriously really enjoyed this and know that I'll be watching this over and over the same way I still watch Ragnarok. Fun, violent, and very entertaining.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch

Chiwetel Ejiofor as Karl Mordo

Benedict Wong as Wong

Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez

Michael Stuhlbarg as Nicodemus West

Rachel McAdams as Christine Palmer

Click here for previous The Review.

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