Monday, October 10, 2022

Curtain Call: Cats

Cats 7/10

This past Saturday Cam took me to see Cats at the Pantages Theater. We had seen it there before back in 2019 and I remember seeing the commercials for it back in the 80's on TV and all I knew that someone flew away on a giant hubcap. I was wrong. It was not a hubcap. We got there early and wolfed down some Vito's pizza outside and took our amazing seats. I have never had seats that close at this theater and it helps because I tend to be in the balcony and this theater is known for having terrible sound. So we sat behind this weird old white dude that wanted to talk to everyone (I ignored him because he didn't have a mask and I don't talk unless I wanna) and this older Black couple where the husband kept taking his mask off and on and moving weirdly to the music. Otherwise the audience was pretty okay. And, and the wife of the mask man trying to film the last act, being told to stop, trying one more time, and being told to stop again. People are trash.

I liked this one way more than the last performance because I could actually hear the lyrics to the song. I also forgot certain parts of the show and characters. It also went by much faster. The lady who played Grizabella was incredible. During one of her songs I got goosebumps hearing her. I was like “Damn!” And also the one playing Run Tum Tugger damn near stole the show. I love that crazy ass character. The show wasn't as packed as I thought it would be but it sounded loud. This made me want to see the show again.

Click here for previous Curtain Call.

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