Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Curtain Call: Oklahoma!

Oklahoma! DNF/10

Full disclosure: me and Cam left during intermission. She had tickets to the play Oklahoma and I didn't know anything about the story. She did. We got there early and chowed down on some good Lemonade and headed over. Had great seats in the balcony pretty much dead center as you can see from the photos. I will point out some good about the show. The seats were comfy. The lady singers were incredible and too good to be in this. Also the unintentional humor that was riddled throughout this uneven show. There were parts where the audience didn't know if they were supposed to laugh, clap, or whatever. I was one of them. So after some weird ass experimental footage was shown on a large screen and the lights came up Cam started laughing. Not a “this is fun!” laugh, but a “What the fuck am I watching?!” laugh. I asked if she wanted to leave, she didn't want me to leave if I wanted to see the rest of the show. I said I was totally cool with bouncing so we did and headed to Jack In The Box.

On the way out she explained to me what I was watching. Or not watching. I thought the play was in a bar or something. It was supposed to be a house. Seems that actually making a set look like a home would have helped. And I didn't grasp the story or what was happening. I didn't know the main lady was torn between this loud mouth guy and a creep. I thought she was afraid of him because that is how it was played. It was also way too bright to be portraying such a dark undertone. Maybe that was the point. Either way it was lost on me and now I'm gonna have to watch the movie on Disney+. This was one of the strangest plays I have ever seen and I survived Octoroon. Never wrote about that one that L. took me to. That was a mess but funny as hell in all the wrong ways. I would never suggest this to anyone even though the star was cute.

Click here for previous Curtain Call.

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