Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Review: Elemental

Elemental 9/10

This was a cute ass movie. L. wanted to check this out but I have struggled for over a decade to really get into any of this Pixar movies or any animated one really. Thankfully this one proved to be very entertaining with a story that was easy to follow and had parts that made me laugh. This is about a fire girl named Ember Lumen. She works at her family's store selling hot things to hot folks. The community is made of fire people and the area is rather run down and full of people who have immigrated from their place. This city is not made for fire people and the threat of being extinguished is everywhere. Ember has a problem controlling her anger and explodes. One day is causes a leak in pipes and as she is trying to fix them a city worker made of water named Wade pops through and starts noticing all of the code violations in the place. She chases him down but he ends up turning in the paperwork.

Ember is struggling with not knowing exactly what she wants to do with her life (art) but knowing she does not want to run the store. She is afraid of being considered a bad daughter so she decides to forfeit her dreams and just do it. All the while someone has been dumping water that runs right through the fire section of the city. Wade and Ember begin to fall for one another but they are literally fire and water and can't even touch. Ember meets Wade's family who is just as emotional as he is and they like her but say some things that if you've ever been in a room of people from another culture/race/upbringing would be offensive. Its something that I am glad that they touched on in a film for young people. Visually this movie was done very well and I was amazed at how far the technology has come regarding visual effects. I would recommend this movie to anyone.

Leah Lewis as Ember Lumen

Mamoudou Athie as Wade Ripple

Ronnie del Carmen as Bernie Lumen

Shila Ommi as Cinder Lumen

Wendi McLendon-Covey as Gale Cumulus

Catherine O'Hara as Brook Ripple

Click here for previous The Review.

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