Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Review: The Changeling

The Changeling 2/10

The more I talk and think about this series the more annoyed I get so I have to hurry up and do this before my brain drifts over into “I just don't care to write about this” mode. Let me explain why I didn't give this a 0/10 or a 1/10. I finished it and it started off well. The first three episodes of this had me intrigued as fuck. Then I was confused but still interested. Then they just started having episode after episode of more questions for an eight episode series and the fucking nerve to have the finale be less than half an hour following a 70 minute episode that explained one question.

This dude Apollo likes a librarian named Emma. He keeps asking her out and she says no until she says yes. Just when things are good she leaves for Brazil for months. She comes back with a red string on her wrist she got from a witch and made three wishes. Apollo immediately cuts it off. She gets pregnant and the baby is born on a train. Next thing you know Emma is not digging this baby and says it is not her baby. Apollo thinks she is crazy. One night she ties him up, smashes his face with a hammer, and pours boiling hot water on the baby.

I wont even say fast forward or whatever because this show does a lot of jumping back and forth. But Apollo is sent to prison. I thought he was blamed for murdering the baby but Emma is on the run and he was arrested for searching for her at work with a shotgun. Emma heads to a secret island after finding other women who experienced this fake baby situation. Apollo and this weirdo he meets through a support group and who bought a book he was selling named William.

I will just sum this shit up. The finale answers no questions. She does not save her son. There is a tree monster the Norwegians brought over and William is one of them. Brain is not Apollo's father which is obvious if you look at him for more than two seconds. There is witchcraft...or maybe not. Apollo's mother killed the father Brian. I know the answer as to Emma's third wish and it is underwhelming as fuck. Oh, god. I just found out the writer of this series wrote the terrible ass Venom movies! If I had known that going in I would not have touched this show.

So just to let you know. You will not find out Emma's third wish (it was for an adventurous life). You will not be able to make sense of episode 7 and cast members playing new roles. You will not see the monster William controlled. You will not know why William suddenly grew hair. You will not find out why Emma's sister knew about the magic island and how she knew to shove her fully clothed sister off the boat to get there. You will not learn more about the secret underground city. You will not find out what was so special about her photo. This is just making me mad so I'm gonna stop. Don't waste your time watching this.

LaKeith Stanfield as Apollo Kagwa

Adina Porter as Lillian Kagwa

Clark Backo as Emma "Emmy" Valentine

Samuel T. Herring as William Wheeler

Jared Abrahamson as Brian West

Click here for previous The Review.

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