Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Review: The Wheel of Time Season 2

The Wheel Of Time Season Two 9/10

I have not read the books nor do I plan to. I need to get that out of the way because I have learned from being exposed to this crazy ass world or these stories that people get real angry with the differences between the book and the series. I'm just a random Black dude that watches an assload of TV and weird shit.


This woman pissed me off most of the season. From not letting anyone know what she was doing with the Dragon, Rand, to being rude as hell to her sister, to making Lan feel like shit. I was just screaming “You need help! Trust someone!” By the end of this season I felt better about her but it took having her powers restored in a shady as way and having her younger (but older...) sister tell her off, and her lover having her ass handed to her for her to get her shit together. I think out of anyone this season she had it the...not easiest, but she went through the least amount of stuff. I have never had magic and had it taken away so I cant relate to that. But seriously, mad at her until almost the end of the season. Found out that she and her lady were given a plan and Moiraine was like “New plan!” and went way off script and I think it made things way harder than they needed to be.


So after Moiraine lost her powers he mopes around most of the season hanging out with swingers and trying to figure out how to get back with Moiraine. He is her Warder and without her seems kind of lost most of the time. I know he should be hooking up with Nynaeve but that doesn't happen except in dream world which I will get to. He eventually gets back with Moiraine and is a happy man. Not much else I can say about him from this season other than I am happy he is in a better place mentally. Oh, he did snitch on Moiraine and she was super pissed about it. I was like “That's what you get for being so sneaky!”


(insert heavy moan) This woman pissed me off so much! I know from last season just how powerful she is and hate that she needs something dramatic as hell to happen for her powers to work. Like, wasn't she teaching Egwene how to channel last season? So she at the Tower and like “I don't wanna train!” and ends up being recruited by that mean red Liandrin woman and goes through training where she spends years with Lan and has a child and everything is cool until she gets trapped there, escapes, and is traumatized because to her that shit was real. No time for therapy because next thing you know she is captured! She meets up with this princess who later gets shot with an arrow and can't channel worth a damn. Like, she ends up being close to Mat levels of worthless this season. At one point she channels and can't manage the shit and next thing you know this cool ass woman Ryma gets captured. We don't see her again so I'm not sure how her story ends. But, yeah. Nynaeve pissed me off all season.


She just in the tower mopping floors and being a human Brita water filter while Nynaeve is being pushed as the next big thing. After Nynaeve leaves and is believed to be dead she and the princess are left behind. After being captured trying to sneak out the tower she is captured and shackled with this woman that everyone hates. She is treated worse than a pet and anytime she thinks to do something violent she is hurt. Anytime she doesn't do what she is told she is hurt. She gets her hair cut. She gets the shittiest treatment this season but thankfully turns out to be powerful as fuck. She is visited by Rand at one point but starts to think she is going crazy. Other than watching her being treated like shit a lot of the season I do like she she was able to stand toe to toe with Ishamael which I thought would end with her getting her ass packed and smoked. Can't wait till she finds out that Rand was slanging that thang with a demon.


Oh, poor Perrin. This dude ends up being captured, saved, finds a cute wild ass woman, meets a wolf, finds out that he is gonna be more wolf than man at some point, Ishamael wants him to be more animalistic, he watches his wolf buddy get slaughtered, but finally has a great moment using a hero shield to help Egwene during the big ass battle. I think that's pretty much it for him this season. I would like for him to learn more about this wolf side to himself other than being told random shit by that other wolf dude.


Mat spends time locked in a cell, free and miserable, then finds out that he is gonna stab Rand. He is given that knife from last season and ties it to a stick to use as a spear. I was bored with him most of the time but thankfully he gets his shit together and blows the heroes horn and next thing you know a whole ass gaggle of heroes from the past join him and he remembers his past as a hero and starts kicking all the ass. Yeah, he ends up stabbing Rand with the spear but it was a mistake. This last episode helped make up for my lack of interest in him all season. There were like entire episodes where he was nowhere to be seen.


Everyone thinks that he is dead because he told Moiraine to tell them he died. Bad move. Rand ends up shacking up with an innkeeper who keeps on bringing up her ex before sex. Stop that. Rand is working at the place where that dude that thought he was the dragon is and asks for some tips. He says he will for some wine he wastes like a jerk.,Later Rand ends up burning the innkeepers place down having dragon dreams. Rand and the innkeepers, Selene, go on a trip when they are attacked by a Fade. Rand ends up channeling and killing it. At first Selene acts all freaked out but ends up being all into it. Its because it turns out that this is Lanfear and she is evil as shit and used to be lovers with Rand's past life, Lews. Just as she is about to bone down Moiraine shows up and stabs Lanfear and slits her throat and they escape. Lanfear catches up with them and they start manipulating one another.

There is so much more but I will say that dude is the dragon reborn and after being stabbed and healed ends up eating all of Ishamael's power and stabbing his ass. Moiraine and Lan spent way too long on a beach fighting off soldiers and blowing up the ships of these weird ass people I haven't even talked about. It was so much. This season had a lot and I am not good at explaining all of the things that happened but I really enjoyed this season and hope that they can come out with another by next year. And solve this future fucking problem!

Rosamund Pike
 as Moiraine Damodred

Daniel Henney as al'Lan Mandragoran

Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al'Meara

Madeleine Madden as Egwene al'Vere

Josha Stradowski as Rand al'Thor

Marcus Rutherford as Perrin Aybara

Dònal Finn as Mat Cauthon

Click here for previous The Review.

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