Thursday, March 7, 2024

Documentality: Lover Stalker Killer

Lover Stalker Killer 6/10

L. and I watched this crazy ass documentary on Netflix a few weeks ago. Once it started she already knew the story and we fast forward through a giant chunk because Netflix was like “We have a lot of text effects and we gonna use all of 'em!” It gets old. So this dude Dave is newly split with the mother of his children and decides to start using dating apps. This is back in 2012 when dating apps were like the wild west. So he meets up with this lady named Liz. He tells her he doesn't wanna be tied down and she seems cool with it. He later meets another woman which sets off a bizarre series of events such as Liz coming down with the worst luck ever. House burned down. Car keyed. The other woman comes up missing. Liz says she is being stalked. Turns out that Liz is doing all this to herself and stalking the fuck out of Dave. Oh, and she murdered the other woman. I told my lady “Ain't no dick in the world that good!” She agreed. This was fine but felt longer than it was even with fast forwarding. They could have had two different stories in this.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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