Thursday, March 7, 2024

Documentality: They Called Him Mostly Harmless

They Called Him Mostly Harmless 8/10

Spoilers!!! This was insane! L. mentioned hearing about this on a podcast and we checked it out. This hiker known to other hikers as Mostly Harmless was found dead in his tent in 2018. He had money and food but weighed about 83 pounds. He had no identification on him and even when he was fingerprinted nothing came up. They speak to other hikers who met him and took pictures with him but no one knows his real name. They had experts and others talk about how hard it is to actually be as unknown as this guy was. I just wanted to know if they eventually found out who he was. L. assured me that we would know his name by the time this ended. His body was discovered by some other hikers after smelling some dead human funk and alerted authorities. They tried their best to make an image of what he may have looked like alive from his body. It looked horrifying.

So they start talking to these hikers and “trail angels” which was a thing I didn't know existed. I was raised in the 80's. I was told to stay away from strangers who offered me snacks and drinks when I was little. Now I feel like I missed out on a lot of delicious treats from strangers. They all know him as either Denim or Mostly Harmless. Everyone that met him says he was handsome, kind, and nice. No one had issues with this guy which made it even stranger that he was all alone and not even his family was looking for him. Except for internet detectives! My god. We are introduced to two main ones. The one I was just over listening to was Christie. She was like they took a certain part of the internet and turned it into a human. Even when she is wrong she is still right because other wrong people agree with her. I don't even wanna spend more time talking about her because I'm gonna start being mean. I share those thoughts with friends and family.

It wasn't until they crowd sourced a DNA place to check his remains that they were able to narrow down where he could have come from. Two months later they finally find out who he is and why it is probably okay that he isn't walking the planet anymore. Vance Rodriguez (from Louisiana) is his name and assaulting women was his game. Turns out a few women he had been with says he abused them. Also, his family had tried multiple times to get him mental help. Oh, I forgot to mention. They said he had a large surgical scar on his stomach and it turns out he tried to shoot himself years ago and changed his mind after doing so. Almost everyone that he had met on these hikes did not forgive him for what he had done in the past...except fucking Christie. It ends with some other crime Christie was investigating online and I was just over her. This was a nuts and very intriguing. I would suggest watching even with the spoilers.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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