Saturday, March 31, 2012

DVDiculous: Monster Brawl

Last year I discussed the movie Monster Brawl on It’s a film about a death match in a graveyard that is cursed. If you didn’t know by all the smoke and creepy factor that its cursed then you are a fool. Eight monsters have to battle it out in a tournament style wrestling match to see who will win!

What kind of soulless person has never wanted to see monsters fight to the death? If the idea of seeing a goddamn zombie and a motherfucking Frankenstein fighting each other has never crossed your mind then I question your dedication to Sparkle Motion!

Dave Foley (News Radio, Kids In The Hall) and Art Hindle as Buzz Chambers and “Sasquatch” Sid Tucker are the commentators for the matches. Buzz drinks constantly. Jimmy “Mouth of the South” Hart is at ringside with the ring girls. Dark haired ring girl is hot. The referee is UFC official Herb Dean.

Before each match a short story is shown explaining who the monsters are and how they got invited to the tournament. They even have their fight stats. The way they did this was cool. I particularly liked Zombie Man (played by wrestler Rico Montana who you can reach on Twitter here), Witch Bitch, Swamp Gut, and Frankenstein’s.

The matches are to the death which makes sense seeing as how it’s a damned death match! The special effects are cool and you know that whoever did this (Jesse T. Cook) had fun with it. My main complaint is that there isn’t enough actual wrestling. When you have former WWE and TNA wrestler Robert Maillet in the ring with RJ Skinner (who plays the Werewolf and Mummy) and Rico Montana with hardly any wrestling its sad.

Never play the Trust Game with Mummy.

This film had the feel of YMAC Masters and Mortal Kombat which was helped by the fact that Lance Henriksen (Aliens, Near Dark, Terminator) narrated the violence in the ring. Kevin Nash as Colonel Crookshank was cool. I would have liked to see him Jackknife someone or give a zombie a big boot. That’s my main complaint about this movie. I wanted more wrestling and a faster pace. There’s plenty of blood and gore. Its like they stole all the violence that was supposed to be in The Hunger Games.

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