Monday, September 3, 2012

Theater Whore: The Bourne Legacy

People know that I’m not a huge fan of Jeremy Renner. I was pissed when I found out he was in The Avenger’s but it turned out that he wasn’t so bad. He was half a robot the whole time so it wasn’t like he had to break out his acting chops or anything. When I heard that he was going to be in the next Bourne movie I was mad. I thought it was very racist that they cast him as Jason Bourne since some people already think all White people look alike but this was stretching it. I decided to see this movie because I don’t know if you’ve seen the box office lately, but shit is suh-low!

"I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna eat it. Then I'm gonna wear it."

First off this isn’t about Jason Bourne. The movie kind of starts off as two different movies that eventually come together. The beginning is what The Grey should’ve been actually. Renner as Aaron Cross is hiking through mountains looking like Grizzly Adams and running from wolves because in movies wolves are always assholes. He gets to an outpost after hiking through snow for days where another member of his team, who is a total weirdo, gives him some meds. These meds are very important.

Rachel Weisz as Dr. Marta Shearing is at a lab injecting a buff ass Black dude with some stuff for an examination. Later while at the lab one of her co-workers for some reason just loses his shit and kills everyone. She gets away. What does she do at the lab? Turns out she isn’t really sure. She just loves science.

And she is fucking hot. Who cares what she does for a living? 

Okay, there are three stories going on. Edward Norton as Eric Byer is threatening to shut down Treadstone…okay, if you don’t know what Treadstone is why in the fuck are you watching this movie? Jason Bourne is still around and leaking information and killing people so Byer is all like “Fuck this nonsense, we’re shutting it down!” He knows who Cross is and goes into full out panic mode. They need to shut up the scientist woman and kill Cross.

"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm...line!!!"

Fast forward to Cross magically appearing in Marta’s house, killing four agents, and getting away. There’s an escape to the Philippine’s with a lot of chases on foot, rooftop, and motorcycle. That was one chase that involved all of that. This movie felt like an hour and a half of trailer and then half an hour of movie. When it finally ends its like “Oh…I guess that’s it.” It wasn’t terrible or anything it just didn’t feel like a Bourne film.

Looking at where you shoot is for pussies. 

I will say that the fighting was filmed better than in previous films. I could actually see what was happening. The fight scenes were cool and fast. There’s one point where he jumps from a ledge and lands on someone. I was like “That’s fucked up, dude!” I was not happy that they busted out that old ass Moby song at the end of the movie.

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