Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hot Hillbilly Arrested

Let me start off by saying that I have never seen the show Buckwild on MTV. For starters I haven’t had cable in years. There’s also the fact that when I did have it that channel was near the bottom of must see TV. I’ve heard clips and reviews for it and its not something I’d ever actively watch. But I do have to say that there’s this Bengali chick named Salwa Amin on the show that is stupid hot. Why am I even writing about her? Because she got arrested.

The show is taped in West Virginia which is like Florida-Lite and she got popped for possession of oxycodone and heroin possession with the intent to deliver. That last part will make any sentence she gets even harsher…if she wasn’t known. We know famous people don’t do real jail time. Looking at you, Lindsay Lohan. I already know that some of you are saying “I’ve never heard of her. She’s not famous?”

Obviously you don’t know how the world works now. You get a show, you’re famous. You can post a video of you being afraid and get famous. You can even post a picture of your grumpy cat and end up with a new business. College and fancy book learnin’ is for squares! This heroin selling girl will make more in a year than you have in the last five for riding in tractor on TV.

Police and a damned task force got a tip from an informant and Amin and two others were arrested. Now, I’ll probably forget all about this girl in a few weeks but my junk wont. Its funny like that sometimes. And by funny I mean disturbed. And by disturbed I thought that chained up and cracked out Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan was hot.

This chick has a cute mugshot. There have been a few chicks with cute mug shots and I’ll end this with some of them. No, there isn’t one of Nick Nolte. Sorry, ladies.




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