Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stop It Jennifer Aniston

People like Jennifer Aniston. Men like her. Women love her. Hollywood likes her. I don’t. Never have. I have never found her funny, attractive, or seen her in a role that made me go “Wow, give that woman an Oscar!” Now, she isn’t dislikable in the way that Gwyneth Paltrow is where she says a lot of dumb shit and has total bitchface. But she comes across like someone that tries way too hard to be liked by people. Even when she says she isn’t she does. And she needs to stop it.

There are certain things that Aniston is known for. Being married to Brad Pitt from 200 to 2005, being on the show Friends, dating the biggest manwhores in Hollywood, and not seemingly being able to get over Pitt leaving her for Angelina Jolie. There were a whole string of relationships she had with guys like Adam Duritz, Vince Vaughn, Gerard Butler, and John Mayer. The last two guys do nothing but fuck women…and perform.

When she hooked up with them me and the public were like “Why are you doing this?” I asked myself the same question when The Munky saw fit to introduce me to her new film We’re The Millers where she does a strip tease and dance.


Again…trying too hard. I’m not sure what she is going for career wise. She cant do funny. Matter of fact she tends to either take away the funny or be the least funny person in a film (Horrible Bosses, Office Space). In the latter film I forgot she was the main woman of interest! I cant take her serious in drama or “dramadies” because she only has two facial expressions and they each come out at the wrong time.

She has now been with writer, director, producer Justin Theroux for a hot minute which for the last few years have been rare with her. You would believe that after the shitty times she had with guys in the industry that for once she would try to date a regular person. Not like me. I’m not suggesting that I’m regular in any sense. I’m fucking magical. But maybe she should step out of her social circle for once. Oh, and in case you’re wondering I predict that she will split with Theroux by the end of this year.

Click here for previous Stop It posts.


  1. You are not alone...My Mother dislikes her as well. I did think she was funny in "Horrible Bosses" :)

  2. I didn't like Horrible Bosses at all. I thought that everyone was horrible and so I didn't really want anyone to get revenge on them. My cousin loves that movie though. That's why I watched it. Aniston just tries way too damned hard. She needs to date a dishwasher.
