Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Neo Nerd Rage: Robocop Reboot

"In 2028, multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Their drones are winning wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and honest cop doing his best to fight crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured by a car bomb outside his home, OmniCorp utilize their knowledge in robotics to save Murphy's life. Murphy returns to the streets of his city with new abilities and issues a regular man has never had to face before."

Everyone that doubted the new Robocop movie can suck a fat one! The trailer alone is better than each of the three movies. Yes, there were three. Have you seen them? No. You think you have but you totally didn't. The first one was theory. Rewatch that movie and tell me it is great. Its okay. The idea of Robocop is awesome. Dude gets slaughtered and is brought back as a half robot that looks far more terrifying when his helmet is removed.

The new one is sleek as fuck. He is black and not Nintendo gray. They even have a scene that is shown in the trailer where yo see him with the old color and it gets changed. He looks like he can move fast too. That was something that even as a kid I thought was weird about the old Robocop. The fact that I am excited about a new Robocop film is astounding.

I like the twist on the story making it to a car bomb taking him out instead of him being blown to bits. That was done for shock factor because back in the 80's you could do crazy shit like that in movies and get a PG rating. I'll be seeing this as soon as it comes out and if they have them a cool ass Robocop shirt because fuck you this looks awesome.

Click these links to see:

Neo Nerd Rage: Robocop

Facebook Discussion About New Robocop

Dante Saves You: Bad Cop Edition featuring Robocop

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