Monday, September 9, 2013

Theater Whore: Elysium

The year is 2154 and covered in filth! I mean everyone on Earth. Up in space shit is immaculate. In space no matter what booty cootie you have there are machines that will heal it. Could you imagine the level of strange sex you'd have if you could get healed that same say? I am so off topic. I finally saw Elysium and after watching it I have decided that this would have played out much better as a series and not a film.

This movie is about a lot of things. Social classes, the haves and the barely haves, technology, and dirty folks. They aren't on the level of Dirt People but they are very close. Matt Damon is an ex con that is trying to live his filthy life and likes this chick that has a daughter that is dying. He doesn't know that though. I'm not even sure he knows she has a kid. He gets fucked up at work after already getting his arm broken by the robot cops earlier. He is told that he has five days to live. Oh, and he gets bionic implants. Yay?

The guy that runs the weapons place he works for is played by Bad Ass Mofo William Fichtner who does not have close to enough screen time. He travels between Earth and Elysium often. Bad Mamma Jamma Jodie Foster works up on Elysium and gets her kicks blowing shuttles full of normal people who just want to be healed out of the sky. She has a hired gun played by Sharlto Copley that is stone cold fuck nuts. I didn't know he could play evil so damned well. Foster wants to run shit but cant because she's a woman. Or something.

Matt Damon knows he is gonna die so he's all fuck everything and decides to follow this crazy hacker smuggler guys plan to kidnap Fichtner, download his brain information, and use it to make everyone a citizen to get free health care. Of course shit gets wild and people start dying left and right and while Matt Damon has all this information it is set to kill his ass once he uses it.

This movie has so much goddamned information that it is impossible to cram all of it into one film. This would have been an amazing series. Season one could have focused on Earth and Matt Damon's character. Season two would have been up in Elysium or even how it came to be because its already there in the movie. Season three could have introduced the crazy government hunter guy and his craziness and association with Jodie Foster. And so on. All this in one film is just excessive. Its a cool movie but it just felt very rushed.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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