Saturday, June 14, 2014

Theater Whore: A Million Ways To Die In The West

A Million Ways To Die In The West 6/10

I have wanted to see A Million Ways To Die In The West since I saw the trailer and laughed my ass off. This kinda sense of humor with farts, cursing, and random funny violence is just the kinda thing that I am into. It is written by, starring, and directed by Seth MacFarlane which is a lot for someone to do and can either help or hurt a movie. In this case it helped quite a bit but also hurt some. MacFarlane plays a sheep farmer named Albert Stark in a town called Old Stump, Arizona. He is afraid of living in the Old West because everything is dangerous. Everything. And when they show how every day life can kill you it makes me so happy I was born when I was!

Liam Neeson is an outlaw named Clinch Leatherwood who is known as one of the most dangerous men around. He sends his wife Anna played by Charlize Theron and one of his men (pretending to be Anna's brother) to Old Stump until he decides to show up and wreck shit. He shows up right after Albert's girlfriend Louise played by Amanda Seyfried leaves him for Foy played by Neil Patrick Harris who runs a mustache parlor and is very proud of his mustache. While at the fair, where people get set on fire and killed, Foy and Louise try and show off their relationship in front of Albert. Anna steps in and defends him and the next thing you know Albert challenges Foy to a showdown in a week. Anna spends time showing Albert how to shoot while her “brother” is locked up.

Clinch finally arrives in town and finds out that someone has been with his wife. He kills Ryan Reynolds who makes a very random cameo appearance and says that he is gonna kill more people until he finds the right guy. He tries to have sex with Anna and she knocks him out with a rock and sticks a flower in his ass. That happens. Albert is almost caught by the gang but escapes and ends up tripping on drugs with Native Americans. There's a sheep that sounds like Patrick Stewart. It was very weird. There are a few showdowns where one scene pushes the limits of how funny someone having deadly diarrhea can be.

This movie had a lot of funny parts. Albert's father screaming after passing gas and going “That one came out my penis!” Albert's friend who hasn't had sex with his prostitute girlfriend because they're Christian and she wants to wait till marriage. A lot of sight gags. Its a funny movie but ran a bit too long. It is hard to enjoy a comedy that is longer than 90 minutes and this one went a little too long. Little too much time was spent showing the relationship between Albert and Anna which is okay in any other film but in this case when they were together it meant that less funny was happening. This needed more time with the cray ass towns people like Ralph Garman.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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