Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Theater Whore: Chef

Chef 8/10

Mala and I went to see this movie Chef that has managed to sip right past me when it came out a few months ago. The only thing I knew about this movie was that Jon Favreau was in it and there was food. So I made sure that we got full at the Arclight Cafe before seeing the movie (I'll be writing about that on my food blog soon). So we headed inside and checked out what turned out to be a really good film.

Favreau wrote, directed, and starred in this as Carl Casper, a professional chef that is stuck in a rut. He wants to be more creative with what he is making but the guy who runs the restaurant, Riva played by Dustin Hoffman, reminds him whose place it is and to calm his shit and just make what he's told. Molly played by Scarlett Johansson who is the hostess and everyone is getting excited because a food critic is coming. His sous chef Bobby Cannavale and line cook John Leguizamo are incredible in this and I laughed every time they were on screen.

Carl is a hard worker and squeezes time in with his son Percy played by Emjay Anthony. His son is ignored by him for the most part. He seems to get along okay with his wife Inez played by Sofia Vergara. Yes. Scarlett and Sofia are in the same film! Well, the food critic, Ramsey Michel played by Oliver Platt, shows up and totally trashes the food. He blasts Carl for lacking creativity and making the same stuff for years. Carl gets more food and his boss pretty much bitches him out in front of everyone so he leaves. He quits and later confronts Ramsey on Twitter while which gets filmed by everyone and posted on Youtube. Carl doesn't grasp how powerful each social media program is and is surprised at how popular he is getting from them.

I don't want to say any more about this because there are more celebrities that pop up and made me happy. This is one of those movies that not only will make you hungry as all get out, but just is a flat out decent film. The music was good, the acting was good, the look of the film was good. Me and my cousin left the theater happy to have seen this. There have been movies lately that have made me just feel good about films. Movies like Guardians Of The Galaxy, Fading Gigolo, and Frank. Its cool that these good movies aren't coming out at the end of the year like usual.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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