Saturday, November 21, 2015

Theater Whore: Beasts Of No Nation

Beasts Of No Nation 9/10

I asked Cam who also saw Beasts Of No Nation if I should make this a Theater Whore post instead of a The Review. It was in the theaters for a minute so I went with yes because the herd for good movies this year is thinner than the backstage area of a Victoria Secrets show. This movie was written, directed, and filmed by Joji Fukunaga who also did the same for the first season of True Detective which was great. This stars Idris Elba and new actor Abraham Attah as Commandant and Agu. Commandant is a part of a revolution taking place in West Africa while Agu is dragged along for a violent, intense, incredible ride.

Agu is just a young boy in his village enjoying time with his friends and family while on the precipice of chaos as a war takes place. One day he is separated from his family and eventually the rest are slaughtered as they try to escape soldiers. He makes his way into the jungles where he is found by other young boys armed to the teeth. He joins up and fucking madness ensues.

This did not feel like a movie and I mean that in the best of ways. The acting of Elba was great. I forgot it was him which is one of the best compliments I can give an actor or actress. Attah, and this was his first film, was perfect. I believed everything that this kid went through. The way it was shot was creative but not overbearing. The music fit every scene. This was just super good and I'd definitely watch it a few more times and tell others to. In case you are wondering, yes, there are some hard to watch and/or intense scenes. Its a film about children being used as weapons. It can't be sugarcoated.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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