Saturday, November 21, 2015

New Wonder Woman Image Kind Of Released

A new image was released of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and I was less than impressed considering that a full image of her was released months ago. She spoke of playing WW in an upcoming (2017) movie and said “Oh, my God, I'm so excited about this role. I feel like I've been given a huge opportunity to inspire people, not only women. And not because of me but because of who Wonder Woman is and what she stands for. There's a lot of responsibility. But I have the best team and the best people to work with. It's going to be an amazing ride, knock on wood.” On IMDB the small synopsis of the movie is “An Amazon princess comes to the world of Man to become the greatest of the superheroines.”

It is being directed by Patty Jenkins who only other movie credit is Monster from 2003 and starred Charlize Theron. God, why couldn't she have been cast as Wonder Woman? The writer is a guy that did one of the Ice Age sequels and that Pan movie that came out a little bit ago and tanked (on a budget of $150 million it has made just $33 million in the last month and a half). I don't have too much hope for this movie or most of the upcoming ones (check that post out here). I don't hate DC films. People pick sides. You're either Marvel or DC. Its bullshit. I'm pro good films. The best Marvel thing made has been Daredevil and the best DC has been Batman. The whole set of DC films hinge on Batman V. Superman being incredible and I just don't see it being that. 

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