Friday, May 6, 2016

Theater Whore: Captain America Civil War

Captain America Civil War 10/10

No complaints! I have none regarding this movie. There will be some spoilers. I got back from seeing Captain America Civil War and am already planning to watch it at least one more time in theaters. This is more of an Avengers movie than Captain America which is not a problem for me. This movie had more surprises than I expected as well as characters. If you haven't seen the movie yet you really should not read this unless you care about spoilers. This was a great film.

The basic premise is that the worlds government is worried about the fact that these heroes are unchecked. They fight aliens and other super powered people, wreck shit, and head back home. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark aka Iron Man is confronted by the mother of a boy that was killed during the Avengers last battle overseas. He is guilt ridden and along with General Ross gathers the rest of the team to show them the harm they have done, most recently one that ended with a dozen innocent people killed and hundreds hurt because Scarlet Witch played by Elizabeth Olsen.

Captain America played by Chris Evans does not want to join this program. He feels that this is the first step in a terrible process where the government will use them when they want and not when they should. He is also trying to defend Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier played by Sebastian Stan. He has some honked up programming in his head still that will make him a killing machine. Black Widow played by Scarlett Johansson seems to be on the fence regarding which side of the fence to be on.

Here come major spoilers.

Characters like Sam Wilson as Falcon, Don Cheadle as War Machine, and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye shocked the hell out of me. I made fun of Falcon in the past but this guy is pretty much a one man Air Force and surveillance team. Hawkeye continues to bring the normal human aspect to the team and is bad ass. War Machine was far more useful and relevant than he's been in previous movies. Vision, played by Paul Bettany, shows more personality as he is beginning to act more human and his powers prove that he is one of the most powerful members of the team.

Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther was fucking cool! I wanna see more of this guy. Even when he wasn't in his outfit he kicked ass. He acted with an air of power and royalty which makes sense seeing as how he is a prince. Great costume and powers. Paul Rudd as Ant-Man was more interesting in this than his own film. His amazement at meeting Captain America for the first time was how most people would in real life. And he does something that made the audience cheer for that I won't mention even in this spoiler review.

Lastly, I need to mention the greatest representation of Spider-Man even committed to film. Tom Holland is everything that has been needed to be Peter Parker. I expected him to just pop up the way he did in the trailer during a fight. But seeing him first as Peter and talking to Tony Stark was awesome and they had really good chemistry. Marisa Tomei as his “hot aunt” was also good. Thank you for picking a young looking guy to play Peter and not an old lady as Aunt May. Thank you! Also, thank you for having Spider-Man not shut up during battle.

I am not sure how this movie will be topped. It is automatically one of my favorite superhero movies. There was the perfect combination of drama, action, and comedy. Yes, there are plenty of comedic moments. And thank you to the directors for having fight scenes that were easy to see! I wanna see this again!

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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