Friday, April 14, 2017

Theater Whore: Fate Of The Furious

Fate Of The Furious 9/10

There will be spoilers. This morning I headed to The Arclight (The Dome really) and checked out Fate Of The Furious. I hadn't been in that part of the theater in a long ass time. I have really liked this movies since the fifth one (click here, here, and here for previous reviews of the Furious films) and was looking forward to this one so much. I saw a submarine in the trailer and said fuck everything. I have to see this as soon as it comes out. The entire cast is back for this one as well as some surprises and great additions. Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, the lovely Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese, Ludacris, hot ass Nathalie Emmanuel, Kurt Russell, too handsome Scott Eastwood shows up, and magical beam of light Charlize Theron is the newest villain and by god she is evil as fuck!

This starts off with Diesel and Rodriguez (I'll be using real names, damn it) celebrating their honeymoon in Cuba and having an insane ass street race to save Diesel's cousins' raggedy ass car. One day while he is out for a stroll he is approached by Charlize pretending her car won't start. She says that he is going to work for her and shows something on her phone to him that is powerful enough for him to betray his new wife and all of his friends he considers family. I was seriously wondering just what the fuck it could be and couldn't think of anything to warrant it. Turns out it is something that is super fucking insane and believable! I could not imagine how the writer came up with that shit because one of the best things about having a long series like this or even something like the Saw franchise is being able to call back to things from films ago you forgot about.

The Rock hires Diesel and his team to go retrieve an EMP from a base in Berlin and its insane and the mission is accomplished when suddenly Diesel flips The Rock's truck over and steals the EMP. The Rock is arrested because he was told beforehand if he or anyone was caught they would not be saved by the US government. He gets taken to jail and Jason Statham is already locked up there. On the way inside though Kurt Russell offers him a deal with his new help played by Scott Eastwood. Eastwood is a great addition to this series. Statham and The Rock have some good back and forth with an impending rematch from the previous film. After a prison break they are both recruited to help stop Charlize. Rodriguez refuses to believe that Diesel has really turned on the team even though all evidence points to the it being true.

Statham ends up finding out that his brother (a villain in a previous film) was hired by Charlize which is why his ass is captured and in prison. Diesel, and by this point we know why he turned on his team, wants to kill Charlize so damned bad but just can't. She keeps telling him that he really doesn't believe in his own moral code and just wants to race, secrets be damned. She is fucking evil. One of the most hardcore ass villains in a long time in film. There is a scene with a high speed chase in New York that is bananas. I sat there with my mouth wide open thinking “Why hadn't anyone else thought of doing this in movies with cars?” This movie did for cars and chases what John Wick did for gun fights.

This movie was so fun to watch. It topped even that crazy ass airplane launch in the last one. Besides the cool ass New York Chase, the submarine chase, and the racing the fights improved as well as the writing. And I dare say that the acting was far superior to previous films. I had no idea how this movie would end. One of the main reasons that I did not give this a 10/10 is because the music was terrible. I love sitting through credits when I see movies and it was torture sitting through these because every song was worse than the last. These Furious films have a tendency to have shitty music and this one was no different. Just horrible rap music. Otherwise, cool movie. If you liked the last few you will love this one. Oh, I also need to point out that Tyrese needs a spin off with Ludacris where they just talk shit to one another.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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