Saturday, April 28, 2018

Theater Whore: Rampage

Rampage 4/10

I forgot I saw this. Yeah. It was that good. Rampage has a very simple premise. Some stuff from a spaceship crashes to Earth that some evil corporation was working on and it lands on Dwayne Johnson's friend an albino ape named George. George starts to get bigger and the military show up and take him away and there is a giant wolf that was also infected that eats the fuck out of folks. It ends up moving into the city where shit gets wrecked. Then an alligator shows up. The crazy thing is as much damage as the creatures do it does not even begin to compare to the mess that the robots in Pacific Rim Uprising did.

This movie was exactly what it looked like from the trailer. People have complained that it is not like the video game where humans become these monsters. Whatever. While that is true it would have been a whole different movie. Humans becoming these would have been a horror movie and that is not even kinda what they were going for in this movie. There is sort of a story and love interest but that is just so the computers have enough time to cool down and create more scenes with buildings collapsing and monsters fighting. This is something that would be fun to watch at home on Netflix or Amazon. Or in a theater where it is loud as fuck.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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