Friday, April 27, 2018

Theater Whore: Avengers Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War 10/10

I have been listening to reviews and many are saying “There was too much happening sometimes!” which I translate to “I had to pay attention and it hurts!” I saw Avengers: Infinity War a few hours ago and can not even begin to really describe this movie in a linear way. There are so many stories on many planets happening at the same time and they all come together so well. This movie was an amazing payoff for the last ten years worth of Marvel films. I fucking loved this movie so much. It had everything I wanted and a bunch of stuff that I didn't even ask for but loved anyway. If you went or want to see this because Black Panther was your introduction to this cinematic universe you will be baffled as hell watching this.

One of the things I loved about this was all the people speculating who would live or die based on contract negotiations and shit. You were all wrong! There are a lot of people that die in this movie and none were who were reported and none were who I expected to die. The action in this was done so well and I was never confused about who was doing what and to whom. It was very clean. I saw it in 3D which I did not want to do (this slow asshole getting tickets and ordering coffee with his friends kept me from seeing the 2D version I wanted) but I still loved this movie. Marvel also continued its tradition started about last year where they have villains that have plans and I go “Yeah...I kinda agree with you.” Thanos wants to kill half the universe but when he explains why it makes sense. And he does not talk shit before he fights. He has someone that does it for him.

People showed up in this long movie that I did not know would be in it from the very start. Each character gets a chance to show off including the villains. I did not know who they were beforehand but each was powerful in their own way. Getting the chance to see these characters that I never thought would be together was so fun. I never thought the Guardians Of The Galaxy would hand with Thor or Iron Man. I never imagined Rocket and Winter Soldier having a chat. Seeing Doctor Strange work with Spiderman was also cool. This entire movie was like a congratulations for sticking around for so long and I am glad I am around to see it. There is also a scene at the end that gives a clue to a new character that I nerded out over while listening to people in the theater audibly shrug not knowing who it was. I did and I can't wait for that movie either! Take all my money, Marvel! Oh, I also saw a trailer for Venom and Deadpool 2 while at the Arclight. Dead silence for Venom while folks laughed at Deadpool. See this movie if you have enjoyed the previous ones. Like, right now.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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