Thursday, January 2, 2020

Most Honorable Mentions Of The Year 2019

This is a list of things that I could not add to Best Movie Of The Year or Worst Movie Of The Year but I still wanted to mention. I also included some other random things that were my jam this year.

Most Honorable Of Mention

"The way this was filmed it makes it feel like you are invisible in the hospital and actually suffering with these people which sucks. Not that the documentary sucks. It is informative and so hardcore that if a film was made with this premise and the situations that occurred you'd say they were overdoing it. Except this is real and happening right now."

I still think about this documentary and how rough it was to watch but nothing compared to the people that are affected by it to this day. I could not give it a rating like my normal films. I do that sometimes.

"This movie was fucking insane and exactly what I expected it to be. I wanted to see explosions and crazy gun fights. I got that plus super magnets."

This movie was a fever dream come to life. It was fucking insane in every way it needed to be. A lot of people didn't like it. I'm not sure why. If you watch the trailer that just gives you a taste of the amount of insanity this is. Plus it actually has a plot. Like a for reals plot.

"Everything is going fine until this dude named Brixton Lore shows up and starts punching holes in steel. This bastard is too strong so she injects herself with the virus She gets away and M16 thinks she turned on her team and took the virus. Like immediately. They believe she turned in a second. Shaw then visits his hot ass mother I prison. This is all in the first twelve minutes of the movie!"

Since The Rock can not be Superman in a movie he just straight up became one in this. He is unbreakable! I know that Idris Elba's character has implants that make him strong and can punch holes in metal. But The Rock holds a fucking attack copter by a chain while holding onto a speeding truck while it balances over the edge of a cliff! Back when I played with toys I couldn't imagine crazier shit than what is in this movie.

Podcast of 2019

Uhh Yeah Dude (UYD) is a podcast I have been listening to since 2011 but has been around since 2006. It is consistently good. If you listen to one episode chances are you're gonna go back and check out previous ones. Don't worry about the fact that there are over 700 of them. Just pick one and get your life together. Hosted by Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Larroquette they have amazing chemistry and make topics that you would never look up yourself or think you care about funny as hell or interesting enough for you to look up yourself. As for any other podcasts no need to mention them really. Some I have suggested to people and they have tapped out after twenty minutes of adds or uninteresting rambling. This show has no ads and is listener supported through Patreon (click here to donate). You even get to watch the show which is recorded as well as the audio version.

New Music Of 2019 (that is only new to me)

The Comet Is Coming. I first heard this band from my best friend Camille as it played while we cleaned up. I was like “What even is this?” and started liking it more and more. I have watched this performance at least five times and checked to see when they are touring near me. They were here last year before I knew they existed which of course because of course.

Pretty Much. I found these from an intro to a show I watch on Youtube by In The Clutch Ent. They post reaction videos and they used to have this as the intro. I never bothered to look it up and finally did and was happy because the song is cool but embarrassed because I am not the demographic this band is aiming for. I checked out some more of their songs and downloaded them.

Creator Of The Year

Bobby Duke Arts is a channel I found on accident earlier last year and went back and watched every one he has posted. There are now a lot of channels that try to copy his format but this one is by far the best. He shows you that no matter what materials you have access to that you can still create something. Plus he is actually funny.

My Favorite Thing I Created Of The Year

I could not pick between the Owl Man I created out of Perler beads, the Sagat, or The Rom Spaceknight so I won't. I love all three of them. Check out the stuff I make on Long Black Fingers. Or steal them and put them on your Instagram, Etsy, or ebay like a bunch of other assholes do. Seriously. This one guy is actually using MY photos to sale Wrestlefest designs and charging a shit ton whereas if I knew someone loved that game as much as me I'd give it away for postage.

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