Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Review: The Vast Of Night

The Vast Of Night 5/10

This was fine. I finished watching The Vast Of Night on Amazon and it was a fine movie. I could have walked out the room for minutes at a time if I needed to and would not have been confused or really missed anything when I returned. This is about a switchboard operator named Fay and a radio DJ named Everett who discover that there is a weird sound being broadcast over the airwaves. Some listeners hear it and some people call Fay saying that they see an object in the sky. A caller named Billy tells of being in the military and being recruited to do some shady alien type shit.

I watched and read some reviews after this to see how others felt about it because when I finished I didn't feel like I wasted my time or anything but didn't feel like I got anything out of this. It looked fine. The acting was fine. The dialogue made me scrunch my face up a few times. This starts off like an episode of The Twilight Zone and throughout the movie they let you know that you are watching a TV show within the movie so nothing really matters. I don't like when movies let me know that there is no actual sense of danger. As soon as I wrote that three movies popped into my head and they were all movies that starred women. Captain Marvel (takes place in the past so she's okay), Wonder Woman (same), and Atomic Blond (she's telling the story in an interrogation room). Weird. The ending actually made me dislike this a bit more and felt like it actually removed the bit of mystery that was working away. Check it out if you want.

Sierra McCormick as Fay Crocker
Jake Horowitz as Everett
Gail Cronauer as Mabel Blanche
Bruce Davis as Billy
Greg Peyton as Benny

Click here for previous The Review.

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