Saturday, June 27, 2020

You Had One Job: Race In Entertainment

This is where I complain, rant, and ramble. Welcome. Mike Henry is the voice actor of the cartoon character Cleveland Brown from his own series The Cleveland Show which ran from 2009-2013 as well as Family Guy since 1999. He has stepped down from the role after stating “It's been an honor to play Cleveland on Family Guy for 20 years...I love this character, but persons of color should play characters of color. Therefore, I will be stepping down from the role.” Jenny Slate has also decided to stop playing a character on Big Mouth that is biracial. This is just the start of what is going to end up being a not good thing to me. For the past few days I have been thinking about this the same way I thought about how people were upset with Bryan Cranston for playing a paraplegic in The Upside. I get most a certain extent.

When some people got pissed at Robert Downey Jr. for playing an Australian playing a Black dude in Tropic Thunder I had zero issue with it. I didn't think “Why is he in blackface?!” Seriously. Not for a second. It wasn't because I didn't know that blackface existed but because I saw what he was doing in the movie. I wasn't offended. I speak on this because I am Black and I know how hurt people are today. In film people who are gay, lesbian, trans, handicapped physically and/or mentally have been played by people who are not those things. There have been a few films where they are though and that has increased as well as people of one race no longer portraying another. And this is good.

But will get bad.

It won't get bad as a punishment. It will come down to Hollywood wanting to cast someone who is a great performer but not wanting to face the backlash of having that performer pretend (or act) like someone they are not. Are they willing to look for someone that in real life fits a specific handicap? Hell, Forrest Gump would not have ever been made if you look at Tom Hanks and Gary Sinise and who they portrayed. Will they want to find someone who fits a specific race to be in a film knowing that only certain races make money in certain parts of the world? Likely not.

And I get it.

It is a company's business to handle their business the way they want whether or not it seems fair to me or anyone else. While I think it is cool that movies have started making more Black movies that aren't miserable (click here to see a list of some I've compiled) it is not Hollywood's job to make me happy. When I said above that it will get bad what I mean is that people who can and are doing a good job portraying characters they are not will start losing opportunities, some even before they knew they could get them. This goes both ways which is something I believe people aren't considering. You may be happy that a White dude is no longer portraying a Black dude. But what happens when a Black dude who does a great job of portraying a Japanese man loses his job? Phil LaMarr as Samurai Jack was one of the best series when it came out. People loved it so much it came back almost a decade later. Will people now be mad and demand someone of Japanese descent voice him? I know people are upset when people who are not homosexual portray one. Will people get upset when someone who in real life is not gay, lesbian, or trans play straight?

I get upset when a portrayal is straight up just bad. I haven't seen The Last Airbender movie but just clips poking fun at it but I have now watched the first two seasons of the show Avatar and get why people were mad. It isn't just the race stuff. It's the “this is made badly” stuff. Scarlett Johansson started poking the bear with her choices of films going from Ghost In The Shell where people believed an Asian woman should have played the part to leaving a movie where she was to portray a trans man. The film was called Rub & Tug and is no longer coming out. Sure some cheered this decision but think of the actual trans people that were likely going to be cast in the movie. For as much exposure for the trans community that the movie Tangerine gave imagine how much it would've been for a movie starring a legit box office star. In regards to voice acting I make more of a scrunchy face. Are we going to go back to the 80's style of the same few people voicing a lot of characters? Hank Azaria is no longer Apu on The Simpson's. So does that mean the character is dead? Does someone of that characters actual descent now portray a convenience store clerk? Do the women who have portrayed Goku or Naruto lose their jobs now? They ain't boys!

Maybe that's just me. As a Black person I know that things come a little bit at a time. I know that shit won't change overnight. I am not going to suddenly turn on the TV and see a hundred more shows with people that look like me. And honestly chances are I wouldn't watch most of those shows anyway. Ask me about any series aimed towards Black people in the 90's and I either watched for a moment or changed the channel once the theme song ended. A lot of that had to do with writing. Either people who weren't Black were writing for Black people or Black people without the talent or skill were given a position that needed more than they could provide. If we are there lets for real be there and shown in different ways. In comics Black characters either have a mask on on for whatever reason shoot lightning. Why do Black characters love lightning so much?

And honestly, I also know this isn't my country. Yes, born in America but this ain't my home. It never was. I came from people who were taken from their homes, enslaved, raped, beaten, somehow survived, and here I am complaining about TV and movies. I can't go to China and complain about lack of representation. I can't go to Australia and complain about lack of representation. Shit, they have a different version of Black there anyway. I know I won't be represented in a country that seems to resent my existence. I can only hope that when I see someone that looks like me that they are doing good. That when someone that sounds like me is entertaining...whether that person actually looks like me or not. If an actor or actress no longer feel comfortable doing a job then by all means leave. But leaving right now? Seems kinda sketchy. This is just me ranting. If I were in Hollywood I would legit say I identify as whatever I am playing and accuse you of hate if you said I wasn't. You can read this and go about your day now.

Click here for previous You Had One Job.

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