Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Review: Nobody

Nobody 9/10

This was a damn good movie! Nobody is a movie I knew I wanted to see just based on the trailer. It turned out to be cooler than I expected. Its about a guy named Hutch that has a pretty normal ass life that is interrupted by a home invasion. His son attacks one of the robbers but Hutch tells him to stop and lets the family get robbed. His son loses respect for him, his coworkers talk shit, and his neighbor talks about what he would have done in his situation. He talks to his brother on a radio and says the robbers were scared and using an unloaded gun. His daughter asks where her little bracelet is and thinking the robbers stole it he tracks them down by the tattoo the woman robber had. Hutch heads to a tattoo parlor and one of the guys sees his small tattoo on his wrist and is like “Thank you for your service...” and runs out locking the door. He gets to their place and starts to beat the shit out of the dude until seeing they have a baby. He gets his watch and hops on a bus.

On the ride home a SUV full of drunk Russian guys crashes and plead to get on the bus. The driver should have kept going but as someone who rides the bus what she did is so damned normal. There is always someone you see and think “Please don't let this bastard on the bus...” The guys start messing with a woman and Hutch ends up just beating the shit out of all five of them. He gets tossed out the bus, gets back on, and finishes the job. One gets his throat crushed and he saves the guy by jamming a straw into his throat and then heading home. He gets a call from his brother saying that he heard about the bus incident. It turns out that the dude he super fucked up is the brother of someone very important. From this point on all of the hell breaks loose.

I don't know what else to tell you about this movie. It was fucking cool. There are a lot of comparisons to John Wick which is fair and not in a bad way like Atomic Blonde. The action was done great. No quick cuts all the time. The acting was just right. They gave enough information about his past so that there did not need to be a ton of flashbacks. The scene where dude saw his tattoo and freaked out was enough to let me know he was not to be fucked with. This movie gave everyone enough space to show who they were and not drag the movie out. By the way, this movie flew by and I realized it wasn't two hours like most things are now. Check this out if you want to be entertained for an hour and a half to a good movie with great music.

Bob Odenkirk as Hutch "Nobody" Mansell

Connie Nielsen as Rebecca "Becca" Mansell

Aleksei Serebryakov as Yulian Kuznetsov

RZA as Harry Mansell

Christopher Lloyd as David Mansell

Gage Munroe as Blake Mansell

Paisley Cadorath as Sammy Mansell

Click here for previous The Review.

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