Friday, January 7, 2022

Best Series Of 2021

2021 had far more good series that I expected there to be. If not for
L. most of the shows on this list would not have been watched by me. I had heard of some coming soon but based on posters had no desire to check them out. Usually I have about five shows that I'll enjoy and for the most part they are just the next season of another show. These were all first seasons which is incredible. I will be posting a link to each of these Best Series Of 2021 and a small description of why its on this list.

WandaVision 10/10

This series absolutely had no right to be as good as it was. This was I believe the first of the MCU series and every single episode was one to look forward to. When an episode ended I was dying to see the next one. Great story that tied into the films perfectly and set the bar for whatever came next. Like, nothing after this could just be an “Okay” series.

Made For Love 8/10

This one was strange as hell and I really enjoyed it. I read that they are coming out with another season and I honestly don't want to see it. I liked this for what it was and based off the book that I didn't know existed and never read they made some smart changes when bringing it to screen. When looking back over what I watched in 2021 this one got lost in the shuffle but is definitely worth watching.

Falcon And The Winter Soldier 9/10

Did I expect to have a series that stars two of Captain America's friends to bring up racial injustice, make me cheer, and almost cry once? Nope! This show was well written, had good action, and a story I didn't think the company would dare to do. It also introduced a lot of new characters that will affect future MCU films and stories. I did not expect to enjoy this series as much as I did and yes some of it is because I get happy thinking that Black kids can dress up as something new and have a hero that looks like them to look up to.

The Nevers 8/10

I still don't know how to describe this series but I liked it. It takes place in the past but there are elements of science, magic, time travel, and super powers. The finale was kinda weird but thankfully tired together into the rest of the episodes. The only problem I have with this show is that I may forget about it by the time new episodes start airing because they had so few episodes and it came out when a lot of other good stuff was on.

Loki Season One 10/10

I'm not one of those people that was in love with the character Loki. I liked him fine but wasn't cheering when he showed up on screen. I learned to like him over time but this series made me really enjoy him. Every single episode meant something and had me excited about next weeks episode. When I found out that there would be a second season I got very happy. Just based on the premise they could make multiple seasons of this and never retread.

Nine Perfect Strangers 10/10

Another show I had zero interest in watching but once L. and I began we were very much in. It has a slow build but in a good way. You learn more about each character as it goes on but they do it in a way where other than one young couple everyone has a deep ass story and watching them interact with one another made for some very tense scenes. I'm glad that not too many people have spoiled this series but it is for sure one that I wish more people had started watching.

Schmigadoon! 8/10

This crazy ass series was very fun. In a year that was way too heavy in reality watching a show about a couple wandering into a small magical town where folks talk in song was very entertaining. The songs in this are very catchy and sent us into a damn laugh hole that lasted minutes.

Only Murders In The Building 10/10

One of the best series I have ever seen. Watch it. I ain't saying nothing else. But seriously, this was one of the best written series I've ever watched and I didn't even plan on watching it originally. Why? I judge books (or ads) by their cover which is why I hardly watch Netflix stuff because they have the absolute worst posters. This is on Hulu though. I don't watch many shows about like crime, law, or politics or anything let alone detective stuff. This show was funny and had us trying to figure out who the murderer was every week. You lucky bastards can binge it now.

Ghosts (BBC) 9/10

This show has three season with six episodes each. We ended up watching this on a whim and got hooked. On paper it doesn't sound that interesting but the characters, their stories, and the lengths of the seasons make it so easy to watch and get into. I laughed a lot watching this. One of the funniest shows this past year.

The Wonder Years 8/10

Full on mocked even the idea of this show being made. “What is this? Black Wonder Years? Yeesh.” Yes. Yes it is. And it is good. I related far too much to a geeky ass small boy from the 1960's than I'd care to admit and his family had their own stories going on as well. No one was flat that didn't need to be. Another good Hulu series.

The Wheel of Time 9/10

I thought I was done with good shows for the year and then suddenly this one arrived and made me happy. This crazy ass fantasy show with interesting characters and a lore and history and magic and powers and curses and all kinda crazy shit. I was hoping this was getting a second season and it is and I will be doing the dance of my people when it arrives.

Click here for previous BSOTY.

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