Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Theater Whore: Warm Bodies

This movie was the first time in a while where something happened in a movie that made me go “Aww…” Warm Bodies is the story of a zombie that begins to want something more out of his life. His not life. It stars Nicholas Hoult as R. He doesn’t remember anything about his life before becoming a zombie let alone his name. He just ambles around the city moaning and occasionally eating brains. He has a friend played by Rob Corddry who is also unnamed but called M that he attempts to have conversations with. They get out parts of words every once in a while.

In a walled off city being run and patrolled by John Malkovich they try to stay safe. His daughter Julie played by a hot version of Kristen Stewart named Teresa Palmer and her boyfriend Perry played by Dave Franco, yes, that other Franco’s brother, and a team head into the city to gather supplies since they are running low. They are attacked and surrounded by zombies with R killing her boyfriend. She doesn’t see this but during the gun battle R spots Julie and feelings start stirring up in his chest.

She chucks a knife into his chest and he just pulls it out and walks over to her. The other zombies start coming towards her, attracted to heartbeats, and are about to eat her when R slathers her face in gore and the zombies change their minds. He takes her back to his place, an abandoned airplane, and tries to be nice to her. She is in full freakout mode and flinches every time he comes near her. He still has thoughts and realizes that he is creepy as hell to her.

I love that he kept parts of her boyfriends brain and when he eats it he gets flashes of his life. He says that this is the best part of being a zombie since they cant have dreams. R “wakes up” and Julie has escaped and now surrounded by zombies. R teaches her how to act like a zombie but his friend M knows that something is up. She tells him that they need to get back to where she is staying but he wants her with him.

I forgot to mention, there are these things called Boneys. They are zombies as well but really far gone. They have ripped all their skin off and are even a threat to regular zombies though they tend to leave them alone. While eating some more of Perry’s brain R gets a glimpse of his attack on Perry and killing him and it freaks him out. Julie leaves during the night and R rushes outside and is all alone. This was my “Aww…” moment. I really felt bad for his rotten ass.

This movie has a great ending with a very uplifting battle. I’ve been watching way too many movies lately that have either been really sad, violent, or terrible. It was nice to see a movie that was just good fun with an original story.

This was directed by the same guy who did 50/50 which was a terrific film. This guy knows how to direct relationships. A lot of people have been comparing this to Twilight which is super unfair. Its just a damn fun movie that manages to walk a fine line between romance, comedy, action, and horror.

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