Monday, April 8, 2013

TV Slut: Hannibal

Yay! New TV show to watch! Yes, I am aware that there are tons of shows on cable that you all love but  haven’t had cable in damn near six years so I watch everything late or at a merciful friends house. I have seen the ads for the new Hannibal series for NBC and I got all kinds of happy and a lot of its due to the fact that Mads Mikkelsen is starring as Dr. Hannibal Lecter. That guy if he wasn’t an actor would surely be on some watch list based just on appearances. I feel the same way about Michael Shannon and Lance Henrikson

The reason why I don’t rush to watch most of the shows you all love like The Walking Dead, Sons Of Anarchy, and Breaking Bad is because they are seasons into the series and I hate playing catch up. The last time I did was with Being Human, Sherlock, and Luther. Those are all BBC shows and I was able to low through them quickly since the seasons aren’t 10-12 episodes long. With Hannibal I’m getting in on the ground floor. Ladies lingerie on the second. How did I get here? It doesn’t matter. Just enjoy the view, Susie.

Will Graham played by Hugh Dancy is a FBI special investigator that can empathize with serial killers. The pilot opens with a dead body on the kitchen floor and the scene rewinds showing him committing the murders. It looked pretty cool the way they did it with the blood splatter reversing. And I have to say this show is super bloody. 

Special Agent Jack Crawford played by an ever expanding Laurence Fishburne knows that Graham has some skills and asks him to help solve a murder. Crawford is hesitant and seriously sounds like a killer when talking about the crimes he is helping to solve. They end up at a home for a missing girl and her parents are worried sick. Crawford notices a cat bowl filled with food and enters the girls room to find her dead with blood on her gown. 

Crawford goes to visit Dr. Lecter at his office where he is talking to a patient and you can tell that once that guy puts a used Kleenex on the table that Lecter plans on killing him later. Lecter and Graham head to a suspects home after some evidence is found but before then Lecter calls the guy and jus says “They’re on to you.” Aah! Aah! Aah! As soon as they arrive the dude shoves his wife out the front door with her throat slashed. Graham heads inside and shoots the guy dead just as he slits his daughters throat. Lecter is calm as shit the entire time and rides back to the hospital with her. Graham later visits to find Lecter sleeping in the chair next to her holding her hand.

Bryan Fuller helped develop this show and I loved loved loved Dead Like Me and the few episodes of Pushing Daisies I stumbled across. The tone of this show is incredible. There are so many questions I had while watching. What made Graham this way? Why does he collect stray dogs (his house is full of them)? Why was Crawford asked not to let Graham “get too close”? Oh, this first episode was full of so much good. Its on right now if you wanna check it out which you totally should. 

Click here for previous TV Slut

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