Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nothing But Gossip July 23rd 2013

Yay, Lindsay Lohan news! Sort of. Her mom, Dina, called into her daughter’s rehab to speak to her and was obviously hammered. She is now banned from contacting her now making her father Michael Lohan seem like the normal one which is a terrifying thing. 

Amanda Bynes is setting fires! She is on 5150 hold right now after cops were called after someone reported trespassing. Soon afterwards Bynes carrying a small gas tank set a fire in some random ass old folks home driveway. They called a cab for her and when she told the cabbie that she didn’t have money he booted her. She was found standing near the fire with part of her clothing burned. This all happened in Thousand Oaks, CA. Who let her in my state?!

Run away! Run away!

Actor Dennis Farina passed away and that sucks because he was an awesome actor. 

Chris Brown aka Punch It if It Has Tits has pleaded not guilty to that hit and run a little bit ago because that’s just what you are supposed to do even when you are very guilty of a crime. His probation is currently revoked but he is free to cause other public nuisances. 

Sound maker Drake and Chris Brown were cleared of having to pay a club $16 million for a fight they had there last year particularly because it didn’t happen there. 

Justin Bieber’s beard Selena Gomez celebrated her 21st birthday by having a woman with giant boobs smash beer cans. Stay classy, kid.

Very classy.

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham has made over $100,000 off of her terrible looking fake leaked sex tape. I watch almost every “celebrity” sex tape and I haven’t touched this one, or myself, yet. 

Cory Monteith from that show Glee died after a drug overdose last week or something. I don’t care enough to double check. I am bothered by the fact that everyone is calling it tragic, unexpected, and saying he was too young. I had a brother die at 32 of a heart attack. That is tragic and unexpected. Not someone who has had drug problems most of their life and was seen hanging with people drinking at a bar before he died. 

This chick Renee Always from America’s Next Top Model was arrested for burglary and has had multiple drug issues. Her mugshot looks like something from Faces Of Meth. She is only 27 by the way.



George Zimmerman, the guy that shot and killed Trayvon Martin, helped pull a couple from a burning vehicle. To anyone that watches wrestling I shall say this is a “total work.”

Ladyboy Miley Cyrus is saying that one of her songs is about her using “Molly” aka ecstasy. She believes that people have a hard time believing that she is growing up and can do things like drugs. Oh, kids these days. 

Courtney Love owes over $200,00 in taxes! Damn. Remember that one week when she was hot?

Oh, yeah...

Kanye West is in trouble for attacking another photographer at LAX. This fucking guy, man. I swear. You ain’t a tough guy! Get over it. Get some security or people to keep your dumb ass in check. He is being charged this time for a felony for attacking and trying to grab the guys camera. Fuck, I hope he has to spend at least a day in jail. Stay home and play with your new baby! 

Leather skinny jeans are the new threat.

Emma Roberts who is the daughter of Bad Ass Mofo Eric Roberts and niece to veiny Julia Roberts was arrested for fighting her boyfriend and busting his nose. He decided not to press charges. Apparently these two love beating the fuck out of one another and there are pictures of her walking around all bruised up. 

Kobe Bryant’s mama Pamela Bryant made close to $450,000 selling a bunch of his memorabilia recently. They were beefing at first but he said fuck this nonsense and let her do it to shut her up. 

Octomom owes over $15,000 in welfare for collecting it when she was making more than enough money last year from her porn and various appearances  Take her to the cleaners, guv’mint!

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