Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Bad Mamma Jamma": Jodie Foster

In my never ending search for Bad Mamma Jamma's I find that I keep having to look to the past. I've gotten suggestions from friends and readers but the problem is that the women they mention have done one or two cool ass roles and disappeared and that's it. Otherwise I would include the little girl from Let The Right One In, Kick Ass, or even Pippi Longstocking. So I looked through movies I've seen starring women and the choice for today's BMJ ended up being obvious. I present to you, Jodie Foster!

Born in Los Angeles, CA, Foster ended up going to Yale but left due to some psychopath who shot Ronald Reagan who was obsessed with her. She went back after a semester. Before she even went to college she was in a shit ton of films and television like Taxi Driver, Bugsy Malone, Gunsmoke, and Saturday Night Live. She was nominated for some of these films being the youngest at the time to do so.

Foster appeared in Silence Of The Lambs which if you haven't seen is one of the best and most quotable films ever. She also did films that got praise like Little Man Tate, Nell, and Panic Room with Bad Ass Mofo Forest Whitaker in which she altered the course of history by not letting Kristen Stewart be captured and killed. She also appeared in Inside Man with Denzel Washington and The Brave One where she found every excuse possible to have to shoot at folks.

Kills all the man.

This year she spoke openly about her sexual orientation which every had speculated on for years. She has recently starred in the film Elysium (which I have still not seen!) and for decades now has been a BMJ.

Click here for previous Bad Mamma Jamma

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