Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nothing But Gossip October 31st 2013

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have found out who it was that leaked the video of his proposal online. Chad Hurley, who co-founded Youtube, posted it on his new site which I wont mention because I've never heard of it and who cares. He signed a contract saying he would not record the video in any way and still did so and tweeted the link to the video. There's even a photo taken of him holding the signed contract. This dude is officially fucked.

And little extra Kim news, she did an interview stating that the coverage of her pregnancy “hurt her soul” and she now wants a more private life. Sure thing. That must be why she posted that picture of her ass on Instagram and has been far more public. Makes total sense.

In other Kanye news he has canceled some upcoming tours because a truck carrying the shit he uses on stage to distract you from the fact that his music is garbage was damaged. Count your blessings, fans.

Seriously. Fuck this guy.

Conrad Murray aka Dr. Kill MJ is suing both the state of Texas and California for the right to get his license back to practice medicine stating that he needs cash and cant even afford court fees. That's what happens when you help kill the King of Pop.

Vivid Video who are known for celebrity sex tapes wants to pay Tori Spelling quite a bit for hers. Her husband's “friend” got a hold of it and is shopping it around. Yes. A Tori Spelling sex tape. That is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. That is some real Halloween shit for you.

Chris Brown is in trouble! As you may know he is still on probation for beating Rihanna's ass. In the last two years he has not managed to stay out of trouble for more than two months at a time. There's always some shit with him. A few days ago he assaulted a guy for photobombing a picture with him, breaking his nose. Some are saying the bodyguard did it. Either way the County is sick of his bullshit and pressing for him to get real jail time, likely 4 years. He's going to rehab for anger management to look good in court which makes no sense seeing as how he says he didn't even hit the guy.

Metallica say they are huge fans of Justin Bieber thus killing the very small amount of credibility they had left.

Pam Anderson got a new haircut that I strongly disagree with.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are officially divorced and she isn't getting spousal support from him. She wanted it but they split what was earned while they were together. We all knew this was destined to fail, right?

Joseph Patterson, the man who allegedly killed NFL player Adrian Peterson's 2 year old son is out of jail. He posted $750,000 bail and I assume that he will be disappearing shortly from the world. How is it possible to kill your girlfriend's baby and get out of jail?

The band TLC's old manager Pebbles is pissed because that terrible looking VH1 bio made her look like a money hungry asshat. “This unprovoked attack has been extremely upsetting to me and my family” she said and that it has “many false and defamatory statements and scenes about me.” The thing is, for years folks have known that she was shady as fuck in regards to how she ripped those girls off. This ain't new information. She just wants her name out there because she hasn't had a hit since I was a child.

Marvin Gaye's kids are still trying to sue Robin Thicke for his song Blurred Lines. I don't really give a damn. It just gives me an excuse to post a picture of Nona Gaye, Marvin's daughter.

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