Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Theater Whore: Taken 3

Taken 3 – 2/10

This is so stupid!” One of the many things I said while watching Taken 3. Liam Neeson is back once again but this time it is not his daughter being taken. Its not even him. Its his ex wife's life! Yeah, that's right. This movie is weird. The first Taken was awesome. Taken 2 was one of the best comedies of that year. This one goes between a boring ass story to cameras that stay on a scene for no more than two seconds. I counted!

His wife is killed and he is blamed for it. I shit you not, its the first scene from Sin City with Marv all over again. He is on the run from Forest Whitaker who is doing his same act from The Last Stand. This movie is just running, quick camera shots, and terrible action scenes. This movie was made even more confusing by the fact that the new husband was played by a different actor! I had to go online and compare names just to see if Neeson's ex wife was really just that terrible at picking men.

The action really picks up at the end of this with his team from the last two films finally getting to do something and then sucking terribly at it. This wasn't even close to as cool as the first one. It didn't bring the funny like the second. It just sucked. Thankfully there are supposed to be no more of these but that was what they said after the second one.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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