Thursday, February 12, 2015

Theater Whore: Rosewater

Rosewater 9/10

I finally got a chance to check this movie Rosewater out and I'll be damned if it wasn't amazing. It was written and directed by John Stewart, the comedian not the Green Lantern, and is based on the true story of a journalist named Maziar Bahari. Gael Garcia Baernal plays Bahari in this movie and does an awesome job. I also think I am biased towards actors that can do roles where they are alone a lot like Ryan Reynolds in Buried and Tom Hardy in Locke.

This all happened in 2009. Bahari is an Iranian-Canadian journalist that was detained and beaten for 118 days because of a comedy skit. They show up at his mothers home while he is there covering elections. The Daily Show does a video of him that the interrogators use as “evidence” that he is a spy.

While in solitary he is beaten, hallucinates that he is talking to his father and sister who suffered the same things previously, and is taunted by his captors before using one of their perverse infatuation with pornography against them. This movie was very intense but still had lighter moments because when a film is 100% tense it tends to suck or not be watchable a second time.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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