Thursday, February 12, 2015

Casting Slouch: Erica Tazel As Vixen

So I decided to start this new thing where I cast Hollywood movies that may or may not exist. Last time I did something like this Benedict Cumberbatch was cast as Dr. Strange which means that I have total pull in terms of casting stars. I shall call this Casting Slouch and start with actress Erica Tazel being cast as DC Comics character Vixen. Some of you may wonder who Vixen is. Those of you that don't watch the amazing show Justified on FX may be asking who Tazel is. Either way I feel bad for you because you're missing out.

Her television debut was on an episode of Sex In The City which I need to go back and watch since I've seen ever single episode of that show and can't recall this. She is better known as Rachel Brooks on Justified. Though she was born in Texas and the character, Vixen, is from Africa I know she can pull this off. How do I know? Because she is an actress! It doesn't hurt that she is cute as all get out. Seriously. When I first saw her on the show I thought she was the business and hoped that she would stay on the show. Six seasons in and she has! Now to Vixen.

"In ancient Africa, the warrior Tantu asked Anansi the Spider to create a totem that would give the wearer all of the powers of the animal kingdom, only if they would use the power to protect the innocent. Tantu used the totem to become Africa's first legendary hero. The totem was later passed down to Tantu's descendants until it reached the McCabes.

Mari Jiwe McCabe heard the legend of the Tantu Totem from her mother. Mari ultimately moved to America, where she established an identity as Mari McCabe and got a job as a model in New York City. She used her new found wealth to travel the world. On a trip back to Africa, she came across her uncle and took back the Tantu Totem, using its power to become the costumed superhero Vixen."

I need Tazel to play this character and prove that a cool ass woman can have her own movie/series. Wonder Woman couldn't do it partly because there is so much expectation on it. CW is even making a Vixen animated series this fall which will get folks better associated with her. When on the Justice League cartoon it surprised me that I'd never heard of the character and how cool she was. Plus, she dated a Green Lantern and he will be in the the upcoming movies. Hollywood, listen to me. I know what I'm talking about. Hire Erica Tazel as Vixen in all your upcoming movies.

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